Two Surface Angle Measurement

SpinFire Ultimate adds a Two Surfaces Angle measurement to the set of 3D angular measurements.

The Two Surfaces Angle measurement calculates the angle between two selected surfaces.

The surfaces can be,

  • two planar, non-parallel surfaces
  • or one cylindrical and one planar surface.

To Measure the Angle between Two Surfaces

  1. Open the Angular menu on the 3D Document Toolbar. (How? Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Angular icon. You should see a drop-down menu listing the available commands.)
  2. Select Two Surfaces Angle to view the Two Surface Angle Measurement dialog box.
  3. Optional:
    1. Select Lock tool to use the command more than once.
    2. Enter a hyperlink to a file or to a document and user view within the current file.
  4. Click an surface on the model. The surface is highlighted when the pointer is properly positioned.
  5. Click another surface on the model.
    Note: The two surfaces chosen must be either two planar, non-parallel surfaces or one cylindrical and one planar surface.
  6. Drag the label into position and click once.
  7. Click Stop when you're finished taking measurements; at this point, you can still copy the most recent measurement to the Windows clipboard. Select Close (or X) to end the command and close the dialog box.