SpinFire Ultimate 11.7.1 Release Notes


SpinFire Ultimate 11.7.1 adds support for importers including Catia v5 R29 as well as fixing issues. 

Special Notes

  • If  your organization uses a floating license server, they must update it to the latest Floating License Manager in order to be able to use SpinFire 11.7.1. If your organization has already upgraded for 11.7.0 there is nothing to do.
    Follow the
     instructions here to upgrade the existing Floating License Manager.

  • Important Future Notifications
    • Support for Windows 7 SP1 ends in 2020.
    • The DirectX 9 graphic driver will be removed in the next major version, 11.8.0.
    • The 32-bit version of SpinFire Ultimate ends as of SpinFire Ultimate 11.9.0 planned in 2020.

      Click here for more details.

Notable Changes

  • Importer Updates
    • ImporterVersions Supported
      Autodesk AutoCAD2.5 to 2019 (2D and 3D)
      Autodesk InventorUp to 2020 (3D)
      CATIA V5R10 to R29 (V5-6R2019) (2D), Up to V5-6 R2019 (R29) (3D)
      CATIA V6R2010x to R2019x (2D) Up to 2018x (3D)
      ParasolidUp to 31.1
      ProE & Creo2000i to Creo 6.0 (2D), Pro/Engineer 19.0 to Creo 6.0 (3D)
      NXNX to NX 1872 Series (2D), V11.0 to NX 1847 Series (3D)
      SATUp to 2019
      Solid EdgeST1 to 2020 (2D), From 97 up to 2019 (3D)

Additional Enhancements

  • Performance

    • Improve performance of loading surfaces when Load Surfaces on Demand is enabled.

Note: Due to issues with the assembly tree, dragging and dropping to move parts and sub assemblies is disabled for 11.7.1. This will be enabled in a future version.

Bug Fixes 

  • 2D Models
    • Line start/end caps and joins are wrong when their values are Round.
    • NX 12 drawing has some incorrect colors and missing geometry.
    • (Specific) NX file does not open.
    • Arrowheads are missing from 2D NX file.
    • EMF text alignment is incorrect.
    • A line join of an HPGL file is incorrect.
    • Font is rendered incorrectly when opening a CATDrawing.
    • 2D DWFx file has wrong colors.
  • 2D Tools
    • Highlighted area is not rotated when rotating a selected Shape.
    • Right red border is missing when adding a 2D Note.
  • 3D Models
    • Weld symbol information is missing from NX files.
    • JT 9.5 files do not open.
    • Extra geometry appears when opening some CATIA V5 assemblies.
    • NX file has incorrect geometry.
    • "Must specify valid key" error occurs when trying to open a CATPart.
    • Missing colors from 3D DWFx file.
  • Assembly Tree
    • The text box context menu items are always disabled when trying to rename an assembly tree item.
  • Bounding Box
    • Bounding box markup corners are no longer selectable.
  • Conversion
    • Access Denied error occurs when trying to convert a file in some folders with sufficient permissions.
  • Coordinates System
    • When using a custom coordinate system and hovering over a point to perform a Point Coordinates measurement the displayed value is based on the global coordinate system.
  • Exploded Assembly
    • Opening the Explode Assembly window and dragging its Percentage slider is much slower than before.
  • Licensing
    • The License.al file is not updated when SpinFire starts, after changing sfpflv2.dat in the license server.
  • Snapshots
    • Impossible to drag a line created on a snapshot.
  • Sectioning
    • Incorrect section cut geometry for some assembly items.
    • Cross-hairs stay visible after finishing creating Offset Section.
    • Cross-hairs remain after finishing Offset Section selection.
    • The cross-hairs to set an offset section remain on the screen.
  • Selection
    • Selected part disappears in viewer after focus was changed from another application.
  • Thickness Measurement
    • Impossible to calculate thickness sometimes when both selection and intersection points belong to the same surface.
  • UI
    • The Axis Triad letters are too big in 3D Preview in windows explorer.
    • The Axis Triad letters appear too large when exporting an image or inserting it to an MS Office document.
    • Navigation cube rotation is not consistent when using multiple clicks.
    • Some dockable windows are missing after disabling Show Only Graphics mode when Viewer has multiple Documents.
    • SpinFire freezes after holding F11.
    • Error message is displayed when opening workspace with multiple documents, undocking an anchorable panel and switching between documents.
    • Undocked Workspace toolbar is resized incorrectly after adding a new 3D Document and closing it.
    • Win32Exception occurs after resetting layout and multiple viewer instances exist.
    • Empty undocked panel is displayed after changing application theme and disabling the undocked panel.
    • After entering Full Screen mode, saving and opening the ACT3D file, the Explorer is not visible.
    • Cannot open context menu in search text box.
    • The context menu of search text box has incorrect style when using Modern themes.
    • Error occurs when undocking Explorer, creating a New 3D Document and changing application theme.
    • Viewer crashes after pressing Ctrl+S immediately after Ctrl+C.
    • Layout is not reset in non-active documents of multi-document viewer instance.

Upgrading from 11.6.4 to 11.7.1

To upgrade SpinFire Ultimate from 11.6.4 to 11.7.1

  1. Launch and run the SpinFire.x64.msi (or the SpinFire.x64.exe) and follow the installation wizard instructions. 

  2. Select Check for Updates from the Help menu if you have an Internet connection and are upgrading form 11.1 or greater.

See SpinFire Ultimate Known Issues

Recommended Environments

Client EnvironmentMinimumRecommendedOptimum
Operating System

Windows 7 (64-bit) SP1
Windows 7 (32-bit) SP1
Windows 8.1 (64-bit) 
Windows 8.1 (32-bit)
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2012

Windows 8.1 (64-bit) 
Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 10 (64-bit)
OS Language Supported

English (US)
Chinese (simplified)
Chinese (traditional)

English (US)
Chinese (simplified)
Chinese (traditional)

English (US)


Intel i3 4 Core 3.8 GHz (or equivalent)

Intel i5 4 Cores 3.9 GHz (or equivalent)

Intel i7 8 Cores 4 GHz (or equivalent)

Memory8 GB DDR316 GB DDR332 GB DDR3

DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 2GB VRAM

DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 4GB VRAM

DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 6GB VRAM

Prerequisite Installations