SpinFire Ultimate 11.10.0 Release Notes
SpinFire 11.10.0 adds a number of new feature, enhancements and addresses issues. Included are features to more accurately control the measurements of 2D drawings, 3D models, more robust functions for Actify Centro connections, and plenty more.
SpinFire for Office
SpinFire Ultimate 11.10.0 will be the last version that supports SpinFire for Office.
In future versions, SpinFire for Office will no longer be installed.
Notable Changes
Store the Color Ribbon in User Views for Draft Angle Analysis and Curvature Analysis
Export Points with Names and X,Y, Z location to .csv file
Reset a section plane to the original position and rotation
Interpret Shift+Enter as Enter moving to the next line in the scripting console
Centro Connection Improvements
Upload files to Centro
Download a Centro resource in a different folder
Delete one or several resources from a Centro Catalog
News banner displayed with MS-Edge
Trigger save warning when switching a modified view from the Default CAD View
Add Reset to Default context menu for points and lines
Importer Updates
Autodesk Navisworks importer added
Importer | Supported Versions |
Autodesk Navisworks | 2012 to 2022 |
Pro/Engineer & Creo Parametric | 2000i to Creo 9.0 (2D) |
NX | NX to NX 2027 Series (2D) |
Minor Changes
Parts Properties Chart Improvements
Parts Properties 2D Charts should include calculated Weight
Parts Properties 2D Charts should include the part color as a category
Parts Properties 2D Charts should allow columns to be hidden
Some Parts Give Incorrect Volume in Part Properties Charts
Save Warning when Switching from Altered User View
Indicate Pending Changes for User Views
Only do one update when deleting multiple coordinate systems
Remove context menu when multiselecting until end
Improve the size of the Drawing Compare picture when the drawing is not a square
Make Arrow Size Consistent in Markups
Add Rendering Effects toggles to 3D Viewer Settings
Add Anti Aliasing Sample Levels in 3D Viewer Settings
In the 2D workspace the grid does not initially appear
Provide the option during Scripting to use Coordinate names instead of its index
Perimeter label incorrect for Czech Language
Loading only assembly tree of a unsupported file will open the file normally
Hiding/showing a 2D model triggers an undo action.
Bug Fixes
2D Drawing Compare
Don't allow (global) undo when performing a 2D drawnig compare
SpinFire freezes when closing the document while having the Drawing compare result visible
Zoom fit gives different results during a 2D drawing compare
2D Models
Crash when attempting to change tree visibility after deleting an item in the tree
Zoom Fit for 2D drawings should do nothing if nothing is selected in the tree
DWG file does not open correctly in SpinFire
AutoCad DWF file never stops loading
Opening DWF File failed without error message
Scale is incorrect on DWFx 3D file
Specific model is displayed as 2D instead of 3D when Render Model Type is Auto
CATDrawing glyphs appear too large when zoomed-in
Missing Diameter Symbol From NX File
The pieces of the EMF model get drawn in strange places when selected
3D Models
Display of freeform surfaces in SFU
JT file has incorrect geometry
NX assembly is stuck during loading
JT File Imports with Missing PMI Point Data
Potential Customer: HTI (NX) data causes error with 2D enabled
3D Notes
Advanced Selection
Draft Angle Analysis
Using an analysis tool and the transform tool can generate corrupted files
The scale of values is the same for all user views after different Draft Angle Analysis
Model Compare
Impossible to stop model comparison
Incorrect model coloring after switching to Standard views from a Model Compare user view
Part Properties Charts
Selection Flickers When Toggling Part Properties Charts
Chart series cannot be displayed after resetting all changes to default
Parts Properties Charts values not showing when switching chart type
Several Part Properties Charts windows can be opened at the same time
Stacked chart number are clipped when the column is too short
Wall Thickness
Cancel button freezes during the Wall Thickness Analysis with the highest refinement level
Viewer crashes when switching User Views after Wall Thickness Analysis
Wall Thickness Analysis with the highest refinement level consumes all available memory and freezes the application
Assembly Tree
Dimensions are not deleted when multiple dimensions are selected at the same time in the assembly tree
Reloading / unloading subassemblies freezes
Convert a file to Wavefront OBJ doesn't create a mtl file
Convert button is inactive if the ACT3D type is unchecked after resetting the conversion type settings
Convert menu doesn't allow export to Waverfront OBJ
Converting a CAD file to GITF fails to create the bin file.
Inconsistent file types are not disabled in Conversion dialog
Crash occurs after opening an ACT3D file after exporting to 3DPDF.
Crash when exporting an empty model to PRC
FBX files created by SFU's export feature no longer load.
Export to hardcopy offsets certain geometry and markups
3D Notes
Surface3DNote crashes on opening
Boundary by Surfaces
Crash occurs selecting a surface draft angle on Boundary Volume by Surface result.
Impossible to calculate Thickness when Load Surfaces on Demand is enabled
Unusual text appears at the bottom of the Thickness Measurement info dialog window.
Thickness measurement after running Wall Thickness is incorrect
Volume, Surface Area, Center of Mass
Surface area is wrong when imported into another model
Partial Loading
Cancel button is missing for Import Subassemblies progress bar
Crash occurs opening "extra" filters after assembly load.
Load only assembly tree models will not display the icon representing that a part is empty
Memory isn't released after unloading subassemblies
Progress bar is going backwards during partial loading
Load surfaces on Demand - measurement problems working with assemblies
Scripting Tool doesn't use the current selected length or angular unit
The same script is in another tab after saving the script
The script is inserted incorrectly in the Script Editor after copying from the Python console
Using input() in the python console results in an EOFError
Resetting Font in Viewer Settings shows incorrect default
The Display Grid setting in the 2D Viewer Settings does not work.
The Zoom Fit on Each Import is not disabled when unchecked
Workspace 3D Viewer Settings for "Save ACT3D"
Incorrect instruction left on the Information Panel during Advanced Selection calculation
Library crashes when starting Spinfire after deleting the user settings
Language Dropdowns Not Updating Correctly
The Shared Settings Path is being checked even when the Shared Settings Enabled box is unchecked
Error message with part of the code when trying to save a ACT3D file when the "Lock ACT3D Files When Opened" setting is enabled
The Reset to Default button is active and some values are not in the default state after the reset to default and restart of SpinFire
Error message entering a bad password or username is a bit cryptic for the end user.
Stamps and palettes changes are not reverted after pressing cancel
Color palettes Cancel button doesn't change to Close
Color palettes reset button is always active
Remove the transparency slider for the Color Dialog
Pressing OK or Cancel in Define Materials does the same thing
Transform by Handles adds transactions to top of list but focuses on bottom
Transform Handle Not Disappearing
Transformations Not Saved After Analysis
Transforms lost after saving and loading multiple imported models
Recommended Environments
Client Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Operating System | Windows 10 (64-bit) | Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 11 | Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 11 |
OS Language Supported | English (US) German | English (US) German | English (US) German |
CPU/Processor | Intel i3 4 Core 3.8 GHz (or equivalent) | Intel i5 4 Cores 3.9 GHz (or equivalent) | Intel i7 8 Cores 4 GHz (or equivalent) |
Memory | 8 GB DDR4 16 GB DDRR for Windows 11 | 16 GB DDR4 | 32 GB DDR4 |
Graphics | DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 2GB VRAM | DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 4GB VRAM | DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 6GB VRAM |
Installation Notes
SpinFire Ultimate News Panel
The SpinFire Ultimate News panel requires Microsoft’s webview2 runtime software to display the latest in SpinFire news.
Download the executable from Microsoft to install.
Note: If your system is up to date on Windows 11, your system will already have this installed.
Print Preview
In many cases, Microsoft updates have prevented the rendering of the model in Print Preview.
Microsoft provides a workaound to correct this.
On the system in question,
Open a PowerShell in admininistration mode.
Run the following:
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Windows Presentation Foundation\XPSAllowedTypes" /v "DisableDec2022Patch" /t REG_SZ /d "*" /reg:64
For more information see, KB5022083 Change in how WPF-based applications render XPS documents - Microsoft Support