SpinFire Ultimate Preview Release Notes

Welcome to SpinFire Ultimate (v.11.0.0)

Welcome to the SpinFire Ultimate Preview Release. During this period before General Release, your use of the product and feedback is important to us.

Please use the SpinFire Ultimate Feedback page to let us know which features and revisions (to previous releases) you like and dislike.

Because this is beta software, you may experience anomalies in features and product stability. We are actively fixing issues and polishing up the remaining pieces of the product. Please use the SpinFire Ultimate Issues page to let us know if you run into any problems.

To avoid report duplication, you may refer to the following list of known issues.

Known Issues

2D Models

SFXI-2117: Importing incorrect line thickness for 2D SLDDRW documents

SFXI-2078: Unexpected rectangle element in CATIA drawing

SFXI-2076: Incorrect displaying of CATIA drawing primitives

SFXI-2035: CATIA V4 2D Drawing - Line with incorrect when Zoomed In or Out

SFXI-1857: Import of NX Assembly Hangs when trying to Import Both 2D and 3D Data

SFXI-1805: 4134001_Werkzeugschild.CATDrawing file isn't opened

SFXI-1756: Missing or incorrect lines in certain SolidWorks drawing

SFXI-1422: Catia 2D: The spacing between the number and the degree symbol is too close

2D Measurements

SFXI-2343: Crash with 2D drawing and point coordinates measuring tool

2D Notes

SFXI-2081: Creating Notes with Hyperlink is Inconsistent

2D Viewer Settings

SFXI-2424: 3D Preview file is always created despite the 3D Viewer Settings

SFXI-1989: Navigation Cube rotates too slowly if user changes viewport mode to Four-viewports

3D Models

SFXI-2217: Highlighting performance is slow

SFXI-2086: NX File Imports Correctly in SF 10.8.2 but Not in SF11

SFXI-1851: NENTITY.IGS file can't be opened

SFXI-1766: Incorrect model displaying

SFXI-1455: Show/Hide hidden objects does not work anymore

SFXI-1370: EllipseKit line color is not applied

SFXI-661 : IGES file, 1230surf.igs, renders with extra surfaces

 SFXI-529 : NX Notes and Die Draw Axis Symbols Not Importing

SFXI-489 : Solidworks assembly does not show any geometry in SFXI but does in SF10.x

SFXI-438 : The Rhino file, headphone.3dm, opens but doesn't show any geometry

SFXI-402 : Tablet: Some PMI text is too large on the Surface Tablet

SFXI-364 : SpinFire 11 does not import the same items as SpinFire 10.x on IGES file, Afact7.igs

SFXI-361 : An IGES file fails to open in SF 11

3D Viewer Settings

SFXI-1986: Frame rate combo box is not disabled when Enable Frame Rate option is disabled

SFXI-1642: Part Highlight Color for Yellow Parts should be Other Color, such as Red

SFXI-1625: Missing style for selectbox on 3D Viewer Settings

SFXI-1689: Select Box list moves with scrolling


SFXI-2077: Document Explorer "Name" column auto resizes to first level icons and not to the item labels

SFXI-2342: Annotation "View by Plane" not working for JT file

SFXI-1347: Model disappears after selection View by Plane menu point

SFXI-1711: Bloom effect is applied to annotations and measurements

SFXI-808: Annotations are duplicated in the Ideas AIRBAG DOOR REINFORCEMENT ASSY(1107220A_PIA) model

Application Settings

SFXI-2318: The Theme Accent Color not being reset when Reset to Default is applied

Arc Diameter/Radius

SFXI-2308: Arc measurement not working on V5 catpart, JT, STEP files

SFXI-1519: Radius markup options missing when modifying

Assembly Tree

SFXI-2354: Missing part does not appear in the assembly tree list for TestAssembly.CATProduct

SFXI-2311: Document crashes after renaming the first scene's subnode in assembly tree with very long name (>260)

SFXI-2203: Assembly tree item and title is not translated dynamically after changing the language option

SFXI-1303: Properties dialog should allow for selection of another part without having to first close

SFXI-626 : When dragging and dropping nodes in the assembly tree, a duplicate image appears


SFXI-1915: AutoNote All Parts/All Subassemblies selection is not working

SFXI-1644: SolidWorks Importing with too many subassembly levels

SFXI-1633: Autonote number is not sequential on the NC_Product_HGFix_1_1.CATProduct assembly

Bounding Box

SFXI-2277: Stop button doesn't work for Minimum Boundary Box measurement

SFXI-1791: The measurement dialogs for the Minimum Bounding Box measurement have features that are not functional

Boundary Area by Edges

SFXI-2001: Yellow polyline is visible in case user untick a 'Stay on Top' functionality

Circle by Three Vertices

SFXI-2396: Part of model disappears after selecting Circle by Three Points


SFXI-1628: Null Reference Exception on closing multiple configuration file

Color Palette

SFXI-2224: Suggested file type string is not translated in Color Palettes dialogs

SFXI-2213: Incorrect validation of duplicated names with spaces


SFXI-2408: Converter process hangs in task manager after closing SpinFire

Coordinate Systems

SFXI-2324: Incorrect coordinate positions for new coordinate system

SFXI-1125: Direction of coordinate system is not the same as focused coordinate system

Event Log

SFXI-2272: SF11 crashes after Save As with long path or file name for Event Log

Export CAD

SFXI-721 : Save file path field doesn't save entered path

SFXI-1862: Some PMI items are duplicated when exported (Catia > JT)

Export Hard Copy

SFXI-1984: Export to Image or Hard Copy Creating Very Large Unusable Files

Export Image

SFXI-1108: Impossible to resize pop-up export window

SFXI-474 : WMF format is the PNG format with a .WMF extension when using the Export Image

Extended CAD

SFXI-1649: The Properties dialog does not indicate PRC as a file format for PRC files

Import/Export Settings

SFXI-2323: Unexpected place for tooltip in Importers Settings

Importer Page

SFXI-2230: Importer options for disabled/unlicensed importers can still be reached via the Importer Options pull down

SFXI-1253: Importer Option "Construction and Reference" Not working Properly

SFXI-464 :When the Catia v5 importer option Attributes is unchecked, attributes still are brought in to the Properties dialog


SFXI-2345: During the install I have to type in the pathname to the external drive I'm using for Spinfire

SFXI-1910: Update SF11 License Manager Server Installations to Support CMD Line Directory Arguments


SFXI-2431: The Export button doesn't appear on the export dialog default width when in German


SFXI-2289: SF crashes after open file with long path or file name in Library

SFXI-2287: Incorrect folder validation with long path in Add Connection dialog of Library

SFXI-1508: Library "Import and Add Document" Not Yet Implemented

SFXI-774 : If NX files are the only CAD files that you don't want to see (i.e. filter turned off) they still appear in the Library

SFXI-1693: No tooltips on Library page


SFXI-2344: SF11 Floating License Message Too Quick when Failed to Connect

SFXI-1356: Floating license server does not recognize IPV4 addresses


SFXI-2380: Markup label disappears on zoom-in model a lot

SFXI-1839: Sorting doesn't work on 'Select document and User View' window

SFXI-2329: Hyperlink to a view during note creation does not work


SFXI-2033: Iges file has incorrect volume calculation

Navigation Cube

SFXI-2073: Navigation Cube Named Faces do not Match the Correct View

SFXI-2032: IGES File and functionality navigation cube

SFXI-1997: The text on the navigation cube should be in the translation table

SFXI-1996: Choppy rotation occurs when using the Navigation Cube esp. on specific models

SFXI-1852: Zooming too far in breaks Axis Triad and Navigation Cube


SFXI-2359: Reduce size of the News page splash screen

Open .3D

SFXI-2270: Markup text imported from SF10 overlaps markup line in 2D model

SFXI-2080: Incorrect import of text elements in CATIA drawing

SFXI-1933: Loading polygonal area measurements from SF10 has issues with color and position

Open File

SFXI-2176: Stream of exceptions from multi-config file

SFXI-2156: The tooltip for the Load Only Assembly Tree checkbox is cut off width-wise

SFXI-2013: Check For Missing Files on Import is not always correct

SFXI-1995: Taking way too long to import a small assembly

Orthographic Views

SFXI-2244: Grid does not disappear for Default view after using viewports

SFXI-2242: Incorrect highlighting of selected View when 2 or more viewports are selected

Part Color Changing

SFXI-1748: The color selected when changing colors front and back is not consistent from the assembly tree to the graphics area

SFXI-2376: Changing the color of part causes issues Hidden Lines Removed and Smooth with Edges render modes

Part List

SFXI-2229: Part List has empty tooltips

Partial Loading

SFXI-2389: Avoid loading of already found items from another location when assembly item is selected with missed parts

SFXI-2352: Load Only Assembly Tree - Not working with JT Files

SFXI-2196: TestAssembly.CATProduct behaves and renders differently when rotating after a partial load

SFXI-2096: An extra part was loaded when using partial loading and import sub assembly on an NX assembly

SFXI-2094: Partially loaded ProE assemblies adds ",prt" to the part name in the assembly tree when import subassembly is selected


SFXI-2163: Model with edges will continue to refresh until focus is put on another window

SFXI-1948: NX Assembly takes 4 times longer to Import than 10.8.2

SFXI-1849: Dimensions of a .catpart with ~13000 surfaces nearly impossible

SFXI-1810: Improve file load performance

SFXI-1571: Performance suffers with all Effects turned on using simple models.


SFXI-1704: Cannot print A3 format on A4 printer

Print Preview

SFXI-2364: Model doesn't appear in the Print Preview after highlighting and moving

SFXI-2189: Highlighted model element is missing in Print preview after the view is refreshed

SFXI-2128: Context menu commands "Copy" and "Find" do not work in Print Preview

SFXI-2118: Print Preview title should display name of the document

Render Mode

SFXI-1658: Reflective and metallic render modes do not retain colors like they did in SF10

Rendering Effects

SFXI-1830: Remove Ambient Occlusion and Shadow Map from Rendering Effects

SFXI-1779: The shadow effect disappears when the model is transformed

SFXI-1375: Ambient Occlusion doesn't work

SFXI-958: Bloom effect is not aplied to OpenGL 2 driver


SFXI-2340: Can't open .3D model saved by long path (>260)


SFXI-2320: The state of the Project Mode command is correct if disabling then re-enabling sectioning

SFXI-2240: All parts are hidden after using the cross-section standard view

SFXI-2208: Very few points that located at the intersection of model lines and two/three sections

SFXI-2207: Incorrect disabling Single Plane

SFXI-2201: Define Section dialog has empty tooltips

SFXI-2178: Projected Surface Area Results Showing Hidden Parts

SFXI-2162: Z-fighting can occur with 3 plane sectioning

SFXI-1856: The outline of the section cut does not appear when cut material is off and a profile color is set

SFXI-1754: Measurements not trimmed to multiple section planes


SFXI-2373: Can't select an arc for measurement when the arc is already highlighted by another measurement or note

SFXI-2282: Unable to select geometry for measurement if view changed

SFXI-2253: Unhighlight selected items after performing action

SFXI-2192: Imported Points are not Selectable in Some Cases

SFXI-2172: Checking of Section menu items does not match SF10

SFXI-2106: Surface Selection Mode Not Working Properly when Multi-Selecting

SFXI-1203: Surfaces do not highlight when selecting a point performing a surface note or measurement

Sum of Connected Edges

SFXI-1731: Sum of Connected Edges should recognize closure.

Template Editor

SFXI-2372: Missing boundary check on placing template elements

SFXI-2011: Missing ability to keep image proportions on resize

SFXI-2010: Add support of Text Block element to Template Editor

SFXI-1952: Incorrect alignment of elements

SFXI-1947: Template save dialog does not remember last used path

SFXI-1945: “Auto hide” option can't be checked

SFXI-1941: Selected template element is not marked on the page

SFXI-1940: Zoom doesn't work with mouse wheel

SFXI-2002: Cursor displays incorrect when element is rotated


SFXI-2325: Angle value is not saved for Coordinate system

SFXI-2338: Apply, Ok and Cancel buttons are not disabled during Preview

Translations Editor

SFXI-2279: Error on Import file with long path or file name for Translations Editor

SFXI-2278: SF crashes after Export file with long path or file name for Translations Editor


SFXI-2310: Window could be resized to a point with mouse

SFXI-2307: Missing vertical scroll bar for Description and Comment fields for markups

SFXI-2306: Very long descriptions or comments do not fit screen or can't be scrolled

SFXI-2305: Displaying of resize cursor for windows with fixed size

SFXI-2304: Hyperlink property field doesn't support files with long file name or path(>260)

SFXI-2303: Can't save Assembly item properties to a file with long file name or path (>260)

SFXI-2302: Hyperlink fields don't support files with long file name or path(>260)

SFXI-2236: Open file dialog displays warning message instead of preview for file with long path

SFXI-2264: Add support of very long paths and file names to Convert

SFXI-2263: Incorrect extension after changing Save File Path

SFXI-2238: Previously used file name input is lost in open path dialog after selecting invalid path

SFXI-2202: Filters context menu item misses ellipsis at the end

SFXI-2200: Transform dialog is displayed out of SF11 window

SFXI-2181: Incorrect highlight of Zoom menu items

SFXI-2180: Viewports button isn't highlighted after pressing on it as it is in SF10

SFXI-2173: Display drop down menu is hidden after selecting or deselecting any item from it

SFXI-2168: Selected Preset View notification is not displayed

SFXI-2125: Several items of Export menu have incorrect position on Windows 8 x86

SFXI-2041: Pending changes asterisk doesn't disappear in multiple configuration files

SFXI-1969: Graphics Area Hangs if Session is left open, and PC put in Hibernation

SFXI-1938: Enable middle mouse panning from context menu

SFXI-1854: Axis Triad is still visible when user turns it off

SFXI-1694: Extend Registration info box like on Activation page

SFXI-1670: Value alignments in NumericUpDown control are different in several places

SFXI-1381: Add material icon

SFXI-1213: There's a line under the 3D toolbar that doesn't redraw/update

SFXI-1138: Symbol "β" exists not for all fonts

SFXI-1021: App toolbar on right side of title bar is too obscure.

User Views

SFXI-2184: Dialog for New User view nags about the name

SFXI-1676: Different width of the context menu point

SFXI-1534: View isn't switched to default after deletion user view

Void Area

SFXI-1980: Void Area Creates Surfaces that Protrude the Boundary Area

Zoom Fit

SFXI-1958: Zoom Fit - Using Hidden Parts as Part of the Zoom Fit Action


SFXI-2423: The Load Only Assembly Tree checkbox does not appear on the Open file dialog  in other languages

SFXI-2409: New Value disappears in Reset Settings dialog for Classic Theme

SFXI-2353: SF11 does not handle open files well when memory becomes scarce

SFXI-2261: Reset the application window position when number of screens changes