Sort Open Issues by Severity

Sort Open Issues by Severity

Understanding our partner’s priorities is vital to our efforts to provide the most value possible with our finite development resources. If we ask for a list of your open issues sorted by priority, you can follow this procedure to accomplish this task.

Issue Severity

You have the capability to specify the Issue Severity for a bug at any time. Look up the issue in the Support Portal. On the right side under the current status you’ll see the options to “Change Severity”

Keep in mind the goal of soring your issues by priority (i.e. Severity). Set the same Severity for all of your issues does nothing to help us understand their relative priority,

Prioritizing your open bugs (sorting by Issue Severity) helps us understand your needs and provide the most value to each partner while making the most of our development efforts. We may not be able to resolve all of your issues but with this information, we strive to resolve your most important issues.

When thinking about sorting your issues, it’s more important to make sure the issues are properly sorted at the top of the list. There’s much less value in sorting the lower priority issues.

Severity 0 - Highest Priority / Blocking Failure

Please be judicious when using this Severity level. It should be reserved for your absolute highest priority issues. This severity level should be limited to 0-2 issues (3 at the most). Again, the goal is sorting.

Sorting Open Issues

Using the “Advanced Requests Report”

To review a prioritized list of your open issues, log into the Support Portal. In the top, right you’ll find a button labelled “Requests”. Click on it () and choose the option for your Organization ().

After this list of requests loads, choose “Advanced Requests Report”

You will have to specify several of the filter options along the top. First choose the portal / product. It’s preferable at times for us to understand your priorities for a given product.

Specify “Open requests”

Specify “Report a bug” issue type

You may wish to choose the columns displayed and their order

You can move column items to reorder, X out them to remove and choose new ones from the drop down list. Make sure the Severity column is included. The following is a good, basic starting point.

Choose Save to keep the column changes.

You will want to click on the Severity column heading to sort the list by this field.

Once you’re happy with the list, you may wish to save the view to quickly return to it. The “Saved views” menu on the top, left allows you to save new views or choose from your saved views.

Adjusting Severity

Review the list sorted by Severity. If this list represents your open issues sorted by priority, you’re done.

If you need to make adjustments, click on the issue that needs its Severity changed. Click on “Show details” which expands this information to show the current Severity. Click on the option below the status for the new Severity (e.g. “Change Severity to 2”.

Provide a comment describing the change. This is particularly important when raising the Severity to 0 or 1. Click on the “Change Severity” button to change the severity and add the comment to the ticket.

Repeat this for other issues as needed. You may wish to refresh the list of issues in the “Advanced Requests Report” to review the updated severity settings.

Finally, let us know that you have reviewed and confirmed the Severity for each of your open bugs.

Exporting Issues List

From the “Advanced Requests Report”, an Export capability is available from the top right of the page.