How to diagnose faults using FlexLM diagnostics?
How to diagnose faults using FlexLM diagnostics?
This article will show you how to diagnose faults using FlexLM tools diagnostic capabilities. If you are trying to identify any issues with FlexLM, then there is a capability to turn on FlexLM diagnostics.
To do this right click on your ‘ts_env.bat’ file (which is located in your Theorem installation directory) and select edit with notepad ++.
Once this file has been opened remove ‘REM’ from lines 6 and 7 to ‘set TS_FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=1’ and ‘set FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS=3' respectively
Ensure once these changes have been made the file has been saved.
To view any errors displayed with the diagnostics turned on select the Theorem Log from within LMTools>Config Services>View Log
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