Get the most out of your Knowledge Base space
Standardize your content with templates
Use the how-to and troubleshooting article templates to standardize the look and feel of your articles and make the process of creating new knowledge base articles super simple for your Service Desk agents.
Don't forget, templates are completely customizable, so you can set up the template with all your organization's standard information and brand formatting and let your agents take it from there. The more guidance and structure you can put in your template, the faster your team can create great articles.
Label and organize your content
Labels are key words that you can add to pages and attachments to make them easier to group and find. For example, you could add the recruiting
label to all pages related to finding and hiring new talent. That would allow you to easily see, display, and search for related pages.
Anyone with permission to edit a page can add labels to it. You can add labels to a page while you're editing it, or after it's published, when you're viewing the page.
You can also insert a list of different labels to make it easy for people to find important pages. Choose from:
Popular labels: a list of the most popular labels in your space
Labels list (list all labels in your space in alphabetical order
When editing, type / to find and add each list of dynamic content
When editing, type / to find and add each list of dynamic content
Integrate knowledge management into your support or IT workflow
When a customer is raising a request in the portal, you can suggest articles that may be helpful. These suggestions also show relevant snippets of information from the articles, determined by AI. This makes it easier for your customers to find the answers they need without having to search and open every article.
To make sure that these suggestions are relevant for your customers, you can also use labels to limit which articles are shown.
Take your Confluence space to the next level
Extend the capabilities of your Confluence pages by adding extra functionality or including dynamic content.
To add functionality:
Type ' / ' to open the list of items available to use
Find the item to be inserted and select it
Select Insert
Useful elements for Knowledge base space
Jira issues
If your Confluence site is connected to a Jira application, you can create and display Jira issues on Confluence pages. You can connect Confluence to any Jira application, including Jira Software and Jira Service Management. Using the Jira macro, you can:
Display a list of issues on your page, based on a Jira Query Language (JQL) search, filter or URL.
Display a single issue.
Display a count of issues.
Create new issues and display the issues on your page without leaving Confluence.
Page index
Page Index creates a hyperlinked alphabetical index of all page titles within the current space.
The top section of the index contains a cell for each letter of the alphabet, with cells for numbers and symbols. Each cell indicates how many pages are in the corresponding list. The lower section contains lists of page titles followed by the first few sentences of content on that page.
Each letter, number, or symbol in the top section is hyperlinked to the corresponding cell in the lower section. Each page title in the lower section is hyperlinked to the page in the space.
The Page Index only works in spaces with fewer than 500 pages.