Tube Length Bill of Materials
Tube Length Bill of Materials
- Lauralee Reinke (Unlicensed)
- Glen Yamakawa
Owned by Lauralee Reinke (Unlicensed)
 Create a tube length bill of materials
The Tube Length Bill of Materials command exports a model's existing tube length measurements to a .csv file contains the following information:
- Length
- DiameterÂ
- Arc1 Center XYZÂ
- Arc2 Center XYZÂ
- BendRadiusÂ
- BendAngleDegreesÂ
- BendCenter XYZÂ
- Intersection XYZÂ
- Total length
To create a Tube Length Bill of Materials:
- After completing a Tube Length measurement, an Export... button is available on the Tube Length Measurement dialog window. Click the Export... button.
- Enter a name to save the file.
- Click the Save button.
- On the Markups list, right mouse click on a Tube Length measurement.
- Select Export... in the context menu.
- Enter a name to save the file.
- Click the Save button.
Known Limitations
Differing Diameters
The Tube Length Bill of Materials uses the diameter measurement from the start of the tube. If a the tube changes in diameter, this can be reported in the Bill of Materials incorrectly.
Unicode CharactersÂ
Because the CSV format is simply a text delimited file, some characters could not be properly represented. Bill of Materials in Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), and Korean will export in English.