Measuring and Annotating 2D Documents

In SpinFire Ultimate, a 2D document consists of a “page” onto which one or more drawings, dimension markups, and/or notes may be placed. A drawing may be composed of one or more layers, depending on its native CAD file contents. 

You can pan and zoom in on a the page and change the viewport background color. Also, from the File menu, you can export to an image file, PDF, 3D PDF, or HSF. You can also convert your native CAD file to .ACT3D format directly.  See Working with Documents.


The 2D Document Toolbar provides easy access to a variety of linear, angular, and radial measurement tools. You can also attach notes to the scene background and selected points and edges. In addition, the toolbar enables you to override default measurement units and markup color settings. 


Also on the 2D Document Toolbar is the assembly pane icon, which enables you to show/hide browser information.

The Drawing browser pane displays a hierarchical tree that that can be expanded or compressed to show or hide components of the drawing.

The Markups browser displays any notes or dimension markups you may have added to the drawing. 

Related Topics

2D Document Toolbar


Working with Documents

Selecting a Point

When you choose a command that requires you to select points, crosshairs indicate where selections can be made. A yellow dot indicates that you have successfully selected a point.

Selecting an Edge or Arc

Some 2D dimension commands, such as Edge Length and Arc Center to Edge, require that you to select an edge or arc. When the pointer is properly positioned over an edge or arc, it appears highlighted—the highlight color is determined on the /wiki/spaces/QAP/pages/3244303372 page.