Older Release Notes VfeTools (starting at 4.3.0)
Bug fixes
The ShellProp module did compute transverse shear stiffnesses correctly for certain layered composite and PSHELL types. (4.4.7: November 19, 2019)
The ConMass module did not transform CONMASS_PRINC. to the specified local system. (4.4.7: October 17, 2019)
The Shell3D, Shell2D and Beam3D modules did not properly implement the option to zero rotational inertia in the lumped mass matrix. (4.4.5: October 19, 2018)
The Corot module improperly transformed certain 2D rotational systems. (4.2.2: March 22, 2013)
The Corot module improperly initialized certain 2D rotational systems. (4.2.0: October 31, 2012)
New features and changes
The property type VFE_PROP_VOLFACT has been introduced to provide a mechanism to scale the volume factor used during the volume integration of element properties for certain element types. (4.5.4: June 11, 2021)
The Solid3D and Shell3D modules have added the functions vfe_Solid3DBMatrix and vfe_Shell3DBMatrix respectively to allow access to integration point data used internally for stiffness and reaction computation. (4.5.4: June 11, 2021)
The ConMass module local system options has benn expanded to include all appropriate 0D local system types. (4.5.0: November 6, 2019)
The Solid2D and Solid3D module functions vfs_Solid2DShapeGrad and vfs_Solid3DShapeGrad have been added to compute element shape functions and gradients. (4.5.0: August 28, 2019)
The Solid2D and Solid3D modules now guarantee positive diagonal mass matrix entries for elements with possible total volume. (4.4.3: July 19, 2017)
The ConMass module now supports mass offsets and local coordinate systems. Note, these additions allow complete support for Nastran CONM1 and CONM2 type concentrated masses. (4.4.3: May 31, 2017)
The Spring module now properly supports the SPRING_BUSH type. Note, these changes allow complete support for Nastran CBUSH type springs. (4.4.3: May 31, 2017)
The Inter2D and Inter3D modules now have an explicit option to support black body radiation. (4.3.1: September 29, 2014)
The Shell3D module now has an improved stress extrapolation from integration points to nodes for quadratic elements. (4.3.1: May 12, 2014)
The Solid2D and Solid3D, modules have been enhanced to allow total volume checking rather than integration point volume checking. (4.3.0: March 17, 2014)
The ConElas module has been enhanced to support damping. (4.3.0: October 28, 2013)
The Solid2D and Solid3D, modules have been enhanced to support cubic Serendipity and Lagrange elements. (4.2.0: October 26, 2012)
Existing Application Programming Interface Changes
The ConElas module functions vfe_ConElasSetDofScalar, vfe_ConElasSetDofVector and vfe_ConElasSetIntrinsic have been changed to support damping. (4.3.0: October 28, 2013)