Release notes: CEETRON SAM

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Starting with SAM 2.0, the release notes are only available in the Additional Resources / Release notes section of the documentation (see here).

Version SAM 1.11.7 - Sep 17, 2024 - b58c207c

Bug Fixes

CSAM-882 - Added handling memory allocation failures in out-of-core runs
While running ProSolve with out-of-core flag ON, we have handed memory allocation failures.

Version SAM 1.11.3 - Jun 20, 2024 - 2ac58720

Bug Fixes

CSAM-860 - Fix crash by improving replication detection.
While reading a Nastran bulk data file, a crash could occur because of a false positive in replication detection. Replication detection has been improved to avoid this crash.

Version SAM 1.11.2 - May 2, 2024 - 67a6af2f

Bug Fixes

CSAM-855 - Crash in NASLib while reading element thickness
A crash could occur with Nastran output files .op2 with several GEOM2 sections and element thickness definitions only in the second GEOM2 definition.

Version SAM 1.11.1 - Apr 29, 2024 - 54f06e48

Bug Fixes

CSAM-918 - Fix unconnected triangles output in surfmesh parallel execution
The unconnected triangles has been fixed with this patch.
Also, Move base/system.h out of public header.
the header system.h that was included in version 1.11.0 has been relocated for its corresponding .c file

Version SAM 1.11.0 - Apr 18, 2024 - 546c4484


CSAM-850 - Add the vis_SurfMeshMetric method which computes a vis_MeshMetric object to check if the mesh complies with input parameters.
Add the vis_SurfMeshMetric method. It computes a vis_Metric object that can be queried as follows:

For each element:
a. If the element complies with the input parameter or not.
b. The value of the metric.
For the whole mesh:
a. The minimum value of the metric
b. The maximum value of the metric
c. The average value of the metric
d. The compliance ratio (how many elements comply with the input parameter).

The supported input parameters are:







CSAM-829 - Support of Ansys 2024R1
ANSLib supports 2024R1 result files.

CSAM-807 - Added support for Abaqus 2024
Format update: we now support Abaqus 2024 in CEETRON Access.

CSAM-778 - Support of node and element mesh association in parallel meshing
Node and mesh associations are now supported by the experimental parallel mesher.

CSAM-676 - Multithreaded version vis_SurfMeshGenerate moved from EXPERIMENTAL to stable

The experimental implementation of the surfmesh generate method is now officially released. This enables the user to generate surfmesh using a divide and conquer multithreaded approach.

Bug Fixes

CSAM-881 - Fix performance loss during solver output writing.
Now the code while writing State results is thread safe but also avoids locking when no needed.
The thread locker were fixed to avoid blocking calls and thus recovering the performance from version 1.8.

CSAM-877 - CGNSVLib export reduce DictionnaryLookup usage
Fix performance regression in CGNS export when writing non polyhedral elements.

CSAM-873 - Fix results with several stress/strain measures in NASLib
Stress and strain results containing different strain or stress measures would lead to invalid result names and data reporting in NASLib.

CSAM-869 - Added possibility to solve sublevel problems iteratively when setting AMLS eigen solver
Added parameter PROSOLVE_AMLS_MAXEIGENDENSESIZE to decide the larger size of the sublevel matrix to be solved using LAPACK. For sublevels larger than this parameter CEETRON Solve will use an iterative approach. The iterative approach might be faster or slower, consumes lower memory and produces more accurate results. The default size is 8192.
Added value result to query the error estimated during the condensation of the stiffness matrix. In addition, users can query the PROSOLVE_CONDENSATION_ERROR that contains the largest difference between the computed eigenvalue from the eigen solver with respect to the calculated eigen value using the formula sqrt(kii)/2.Pi, where kii is the values on the diagonal of the reduced stiffness matrix.

CSAM-867 - Fixed bug in the comment line of LS-Dyna input file
Fixed a bug in the comment line of LS-Dyna input file while writing node and element sets.

CSAM-863 - Manage element with no definition in ANSLib
Ansys result files (.rst) may include elements with no definition. This is now cleanly managed in ANSLib to avoid premature ending of the file processing.

CSAM-861 - Manage compilation without explicit POSIX extensions definition on Linux
When compiling with GCC with only the standard C definitions enabled, compilation errors could arise due to undefined POSIX extension feature test macros. Although compiling without the GNU extensions is not recommended, we now provide a default value for these feature test macros when not defined.

CSAM-856 - Ansfwt constraint equation export
ANSFwt export: Constraint equations CE in cdb format are written by specifying first the dependent node.

CSAM-839 - VolMesh crash when less than 4 nodes are defined in the input
VolMesh crashed when less than 4 nodes are defined in the input, which cannot define a volume.

CSAM-838 - Fix to Poisson's ratio while reading MATORT card from Nastran input deck
Fix to Poisson's ratio while reading MATORT card from Nastran input deck.

CSAM-835 - Fix to the abort process in surface mesh generation
Fixed a bug in abort process of surface mesh generation.

CSAM-825 - Fix Prosolve multi step result output
Fix the writing of op2 result files by Prosolve in the case of a non-linear analysis with writing of several results by load step.

CSAM-818 - Fix strain rotation anisotropy formulation for shells.

This change can cause results differences. The current behavior is the correct one.
The general formulation for the specific case of shell rotations, allow us to find the standard shell formulation as seen in Batoz : Modelisation des structures par elements finis. Vol III, 1992.

CSAM-814 - Fix RBE3 coefficients computation
Computations of RBE3 coefficients may be wrong when all degrees of freedom available at the dependent node are not selected.

CSAM-806 - Fix D3DPlot internal plot file numbering when number of plot files is greater or equal to 99
Fix D3DPlot library when number of plot files is greater or equal to 99.

CSAM-805 - Add Units in Naslib meshless results
In NASLib, the Units system information (stored in UNITS.T and UNITS.TYPE.T datasets) are now available with meshless result files.

CSAM-804 - Fix FEASPEC values for element in LS-Dyna input deck
Fix FEASPEC values for element in LS-Dyna input deck.

CSAM-797 - Support NL input params in Abaqus, Nastran and Ansys
Add support for some Non-Linear control parameters for static analysis:

  • Abaqus library:

  • Ansys library:
    CNVTOL, Lab=U or F or ENGY, , TOLER : stored in SPROP_UTOL or SPROP_FTOL or SPROP_ETOL

  • Nastran library:

CSAM-795 - Fix truncated text display with Freetype
Text display with freetype was truncated with some font sizes.

CSAM-770 - Support included files with blanks in the name in NASLib
File name or file path with blanks used as included file is now supported in NASLib.

CSAM-767 - D3DFil allows several parameter lines
D3DFil supports PARAMETER variables on several lines. Error message type SYS_ERROR_FORMAT is displayed when PARAMETER_EXPRESSION is read.

CSAM-722 - Create an option to activate the legacy mesh sizing callback behavior
Add a VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY option to revert the meshing sizing callback behavior to its legacy behavior, reducing the number of callbacks but decreasing the final quality.

CSAM-719 - Support of residual forces and moments in LS-DYNA result files
LS-DYNA result files written with the resplt option enabled were not correctly read. Residual forces and moments are now available in Access results.

CSAM-709 - Add model integer parameters information in NASLib meshless results
In NASLib, the Model Integer Parameters information (stored in the PARAMETER.INT.T dataset) is now available with meshless result files.

CSAM-692 - Created a new convention for Gasket Status Retrieval: from OP2 vs. VDM Mapping
A new following convention is created to show the gasket status results. if VDM_CONVENTION_ORIGINAL_GASKET_STATUS is present, then gasket status is not mapped. If not, the gasket status is mapped based on the VDM mapping.

CSAM-692 - Using the NX Nastran mapping for the GASKET status if the results are reading from NX Nastran file
Using the NX Nastran mapping for the GASKET status if the results are reading from NX Nastran file.

CSAM-684 - Fix to the unit of mass in Ansys rst file reader when the length unit is in inches
Fixed the bug in unit of mass when reading Ansys rst file if the length is in inches.
The unit of mass should be BLOB if the length is in inches.

CSAM-602 - Fix crash while reading NASLib meshless result files with layered elements
While reading meshless op2 files with layered results, if a connect was provided without those layered elements, a crash could occur.

Version SAM 1.10.1 - Mar 7, 2024 - 304060d5

Bug Fixes

CSAM-804 - Fix FEASPEC values for element in LS-Dyna input deck
Fix FEASPEC values for element in LS-Dyna input deck.

CSAM-806 - Fix D3DPlot internal plot file numbering when number of files is greater or equal to 99
Fix D3DPlot internal plot file numbering when number of plot files is greater or equal to 99.

SDVK-810 - Remove vgl folder dependency from parallel surfmesher
Version 1.10.0 added by mistake towards the folder src/vgl. This fix reverts such dependency.

CSAM-835 - Fix to the abort process in surface mesh generation
Fix the reactivity of the abort call when surfmesh is working.

Version SAM 1.10.0 - Feb 28, 2024 - 82be2be2


CSAM-808 - Option to set the absolute path to OpenFOAM etc directory
An option to set the absolute path to the include etc directory of OpenFoam is added. This path can be set through vdm_OpenFOAMLibSetString or vdm_DataFunSetString with the VDM_OPENFOAM_ETC_PATH type.

CSAM-796 - Distribute the Data Provider Framework
Custom reader plugins based on the Data Provider Framework can now be loaded in Access and provide mesh and result information.

CSAM-766 - Updating the internal ZLIB to version 1.3.1
The internal ZLIB is updated to 1.3.1.

CSAM-747 - Support of predefined MPC type ELBOW in Abaqus input files
The predefined MPC type ELBOW is supported in Abaqus input files. Other predefined type TIE, PIN, LINK and BEAM only stored two nodes even when node sets with more than two nodes were used to define them. This is also fixed.

CSAM-745 - Support Abaqus odb Coupling Constraints as SYS_ELEM_RIGID
Abaqus coupling constraints elements (Kinematic or Distributing couplings) can be retrieved from Abaqus .odb result files.

CSAM-691 - Support of Ansys smeared reinforcing elements
Ansys smeared reinforcing element REINF265 are supported in Ansys input files (through ANSFil) and result files (through ANSLib). A new element type SYS_ELEM_REINFORCEMENT is added for reinforcing elements.

CSAM-676 - Added Parallel vis_SurfMeshGenerate method to perform remeshing
Added vis_SurfMesh_EXPERIMENTAL_Generate(vis_SurfMesh* p, vis_Connect* connect) method to perform surface remeshing in parallel.

  • Added as an experimental API that is encouraged to be used for internal testing but not for production. The feature might be incomplete but it is ready for testing and feedback.
    Please refer to the documentation for more information. Use vis_SurfMesh_EXPERIMENTAL_SetPartitionStrategy(vis_SurfMesh* p, Vint iterationCount, Vint* partitionPerIteration) to customize the parallel strategy.

Bug Fixes

CSAM-816 - Fix Ansys ETBLOCK import in Ansys Mechanical APDL
ETBLOCK import is fixed in Ansys Mechanical APDL.

CSAM-555 - enforce Cgns write of GridLocation
Enforce Cgns to write the GridLocation_t node in the GridConnectivity_t node even in Vertex is the default.

CSAM-768 - ANSLib: add element node temperature on Surface element
in ANSLib library, element node temperatures are read on surface element types SURF152 and SURF154.

CSAM-801 - Added OpenFOAM, CGNS and Nastran H5 readers dependency to the third-party folder.
CSAM-801: Added zlib, CGNS, HFD5 in the third-party folder.

CSAM-780 - Nasfil reads NLPARM definitions per Subcase
NasFil library: handle multiple definitions of NLPARM Bulk Data entries when Control Case commands NLPARM are defined at SUBCASE levels.

CSAM-765 - Fixing the free type factor in order to avoid missing character names at the top while displaying
Fixed the issue related to the displaying characters with top part missing when using FreeType and Arial bold font.

CSAM-788 - Manage #includeEtc keyword in OpenFOAM
"#includeEtc" OpenFOAM keyword management has been added. Files included this way are version specific and not included by default in the set of result files. If used, this included files must be added to the set of result files to be processed by Access.

CSAM-787 - RBE2 APLHA values from Nastran input are not read correctly
RBE2 APLHA values from Nastran input deck were not read correctly when several RBE2 were defined in the input.

CSAM-790 - Fix D3DLib import Solid strain tensor results
Fix D3DLib import Strain tensor on solid elements when thermal strain and/or plastic strain tensor is active.

CSAM-775 - Provide METIS and GKlib third party libraries in the distribution
METIS and GKlib librariries are provided with the distribution and linked by default with the sources.

CSAM-776 - Improved management of anisotropic materials in Ansys
Anisotropic elastic material stiffnesses, coefficients of thermal expansion and thermal conductivities can be read from and exported to Ansys input files.

CSAM-791 - Exporting the right node ID into the EBLOCK of Ansys cdb file
Fixed the issue related to writing of node ids in the EBLOCK of Ansys cdb.

CSAM-789 - Avoid the crash on freeing memory of state object
Avoided the crash related to freeing memory of state object.

CSAM-779 - Reading and writing applied restraint cases (SPC) on velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb file
Reading and writing applied restraint cases (SPC) on the velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb file (VELX, VELY and VELZ) are supported.

CSAM-555 - CGNS write model supports now abutting meshes with multiZones
CGNS export: allow multiple Cell Zones option. Each 3D Cells part will be exported in a dedicated CGNS Zone.
The 1to1 Abutting meshes are supported and corresponding data are written in a CGNS a ZoneGridConnectivity_t node.
The required API call is below:

CSAM-772 - Fixed an issue related to a SYS_ERROR_VALUE error obtained while creating CE cards in Ansys cdb file.
Fixed an issue related to a SYS_ERROR_VALUE error obtained while creating CE cards in Ansys cdb file.

CSAM-748 - Long part name in Fluent .cas files was causing memory violation issue
Part names longer than 20 characters in Fluent .cas mesh files were causing memory violation issues while accessing them.

CSAM-586 - Exporting FamilyName_t node in CGNS file with boundary condition information
FamilyName_t and Family_t nodes are created while exporting CGNS file to contain the boundary condition info. In this case, the BC_t nodes will be noted as FamilySpecified.
The required API call is below:

CSAM-762 - Fix Nastran input file reader with free field format
Reading large Nastran input files written with the free field format could lead to memory violations and crashes.

CSAM-680 - NASLib Cyclic Mode results are stored in the Local Cylindrical System
In the NASLib reader, fix the local system type and Id on which stresses and strains are written in case of Cyclic Mode analysis. The tensors are now available in the local cylindrical system.

Version SAM 1.9.10 - Apr 23, 2024 - 791912cc

Bug Fixes

CSAM-881 - Fix performance loss during solver output writing.
Now the code while writing State results is thread safe but also avoids locking when no needed.
The thread locker were fixed to avoid blocking calls and thus recovering the performance from version 1.8.

Version SAM 1.9.9 - Apr 16, 2024 - 8f4da6a4

Bug Fixes

CSAM-770 - Support included files with blanks in the name in NASLib
File name or file path with blanks used as included file is now supported in NASLib.

CSAM-684 - Fix to the unit of mass in Ansys rst file reader when the length unit is in inches
Fixed the bug in unit of mass when reading Ansys rst file if the length is in inches.
The unit of mass should be BLOB if the length is in inches.

Version SAM 1.9.8 - Mar 29, 2024 - 089482e6

Bug Fixes

CSAM-814 - Fix RBE3 coefficients computation
Computations of RBE3 coefficients may be wrong when all degrees of freedom available at the dependent node are not selected.

CSAM-805 - Add Units in NASlib meshless results
In NASLib, the Units system information (stored in UNITS.T and UNITS.TYPE.T datasets) are now available with meshless result files.

CSAM-838 - Fix to poisson's ratio while reading MATORT card from Nastran input deck
Fix to Poisson's ratio while reading MATORT card from Nastran input deck.

CSAM-722 - Create an option to activate the legacy mesh sizing callback behavior
Add a VIS_MESH_FUNSIZINGLEGACY option to revert the meshing sizing callback behavior to its legacy behavior, reducing the number of callbacks but decreasing the final quality.

CSAM-709 - Add model integer parameters information in NASLib meshless results
In NASLib, the Model Integer Parameters information (stored in the PARAMETER.INT.T dataset) are now available with meshless result files.

CSAM-692 - Created a new convention for Gasket Status Retrieval: from OP2 vs. VDM Mapping
A new following convention is created to show the gasket status results. if VDM_CONVENTION_ORIGINAL_GASKET_STATUS is present, then gasket status is not mapped. Otherwise, the gasket status is mapped based on the VDM mapping.

CSAM-602 - Fix crash while reading NASLib meshless result files with layered elements
While reading meshless op2 files with layered results, if a connect was provided without those layered elements, a crash could occur.

Version SAM 1.9.7 - Feb 22, 2024 - e0376786

Bug Fixes

CSAM-768 - AnsLib: add element node temperature on Surface element
in ANSLib library, element node temperatures are read on surface element types SURF152 and SURF154

CSAM-766 - Updating the internal ZLIB to version 1.3.1
The internal ZLIB is updated to 1.3.1

Version SAM 1.9.6 - Feb 9, 2024 - 658cd32e

Bug Fixes

CSAM-790 - Fix D3DLib import of solid strain tensor results

Fix D3DLib import of the strain tensor on solid elements when thermal strain and/or plastic strain tensor are available.

CSAM-787 - RBE2 APLHA values from Nastran input are not read correctly

RBE2 APLHA values from Nastran input deck were not read correctly when several RBE2 were defined in the input.

Version SAM 1.9.5 - Feb 6, 2024 - 6ee72081

Bug Fixes

CSAM-791 - Exporting the right node ID into the EBLOCK of Ansys cdb format

Fixed the issue related to writing of node ids in the EBLOCK of Ansys cdb.

Version SAM 1.9.4 - Feb 2, 2024 - 9df159e1

Bug fixes

CSAM-789 - Avoid the crash on freeing memory of state object after the call to vis_StateDirCos

Avoided the crash related to freeing memory of state object after the call to vis_StateDirCos.

CSAM-779 - Reading and writing applied restraint cases (SPC) on velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb

Reading and wrtiting applied restraint cases (SPC) on the velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb file (VELX, VELY and VELZ) are supported.

Version SAM 1.9.2 - Jan 18, 2024 - 44ca744

Bug fixes

CSAM-772 - Fix SYS_ERROR_VALUE error obtained while creating CE cards in Ansys cdb file.

An error message while writing MPCs into Ansys cdb file is avoided.

Version SAM 1.9.1 - Jan 3, 2024 - 945b810c

Bug fixes

CSAM-680 - NASLib Cyclic Mode results are stored in the Local Cylindrical System
In the NASLib reader, this fixes the local system type and Id on which stresses and strains are written in case of Cyclic Mode analysis. The tensors are now available in the local cylindrical system.

CSAM-762 - Fix Nastran input file reader with free field format
Reading large Nastran input files written with the free field format could lead to memory violations and crashes.

Version SAM 1.9.0 - Dec 20, 2023 - b0510873

Bug fixes

CSAM-759 - Fix LS-DYNA d3plot reading issue in large files
The computation of the position of the data linked to a dataset inside very large result files could fail due to an integer overflow issue. This has been fixed.

CSAM-758 - Fix management of non-ASCII characters in Abaqus input reader
The Abaqus input reader could fail to open a file if a non-ASCII character was found in the first lines of the file. This issue has been fixed.

CSAM-752 - Fix angular acceleration export in Nastran input files
This fixes angular acceleration export in Nastran input files when no angular velocity is defined.

CSAM-751 - Fix angular acceleration export in Ansys input files
This fixes angular acceleration export in Ansys input files. Furthermore, support for rotational velocity of the global origin (CGOMGA card), rotational acceleration of the global origin (DCGOMG card), specification the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system (CGLOC card) have been added to the Ansys input file reader. Reading of the linear acceleration of the global Cartesian reference frame (ACEL card) has been fixed.

SDVK-720 - Removed duplicated header inclusion in vmlngnumeric.cxx
Removed duplicated header (vututil.h) inclusion in vmlngnumeric.cxx

CSAM-718 - FIX CE card export in Ansys .cdb files
For Ansys .cdb files, a specific format of the Mechanical APDL commands is expected. This fixes the "CE" cards format for constraint equations.

CSAM-714 - Fix to avoid freeze while reading a NASTRAN bdf file which contains a long file name to include within it
Fix to avoid freeze while reading a NASTRAN bdf file which contains a long file to include within it.

CSAM-711 - Fix Nastran material orientation angle formula
Fix formula used to compute material direction angle for shells by projecting first element edge on the element plane. The material coordinate system direction cosine may change and may generate differences only on strongly warped shell in the reference configuration.

CSAM-706 - Fix LS-DYNA d3plot reading issue with a large number of elements
An integer overflow issue was preventing to read the state data for simulation results containing more than 268,435,455 elements.

CSAM-665 - Reading the eigen parameters correctly from Abaqus .inp file
Fix reading lower bound eigenvalue parameter from Abaqus input files.

CSAM-659 - Avoid Crashing while calling vgl_RasFontLoadFreeType with high bitmap resolution
Increased the bitmap resolution from 256 to 4096 to avoid crashing of vgl tool when dealing with higher resolution (up to 4096) and font size.

CSAM-648 - Fix dataset asymmetric result names of modal frequency responses
The dataset asymmetric result names of modal frequency responses were computed independently from the presence of symmetric results. Both results are now linked through a consistent dataset naming. The mode index of the asymmetric results is computed based on frequency comparison with its symmetric counterpart.

CSAM-607 - Fix Abalib usage of degenerated hexahedra in odb to represent Pyramid elements
Fix Abalib usage of degenerated hexahedra in odb to represent linear and quadratic Pyramid elements.

CSAM-602 - Fixed crashed when reading Nastran op2 files without meshes.
Fixed issue when reading Nastran op2 files without meshes. We now report an error rather than crashing.


CSAM-647 - CSAM-646 - Do not export CERIG cards in Ansys cdb files
As CERIG cards cannot be imported in Ansys Workbench, they are not exported anymore. CE cards are used instead.

CSAM-677 - Add DPF, IntelOpenMP, and IntelMKL to the distribution.
CEETRON SAM now includes the Ansys DPF library in its distribution, Intel MKL, and Intel OpenMP.

CSAM-679 - Read Abaqus connector element forces and moments (CTF & CTM) results
Support of CTF and CTM results for connector elements from Abaqus odb result files.

CSAM-688 - Add vdm_NASLibSetCoordinateSystems function.
Add vdm_NASLibSetCoordinateSystems function. This function is useful for the support of meshless result files. If the coordinate systems and the vis_Connect object are set before opening the meshless file, the results are expressed in the correct coordinate system, and coordinate system transformations are possible.

CSAM-708 - Manage UVID material properties in Ansys cdb files
UVID material properties in Ansys cdb files are stored in the model material properties. MPROP_USER identifier is added for user-defined material properties.

CSAM-710 - Implement DPFLibSetFunction
DPFLibSetFunction can now be used to set a user-defined callback function. The callback function may query the phase (VDM_PHASE) or may be used to abort the process.

CSAM-712 - Implement DPF append.
The vdm_DPFLibAppend function has been implemented. Files can now be appended to vdm_DPFLib.

CSAM-717 - Manage long format input in LS-DYNA
Long format input is now managed in D3DFil for LS-DYNA input files.

Version SAM 1.8.1 - Nov 27, 2023 - 7cee99ee

Bug fixes

CSAM-648- Fix dataset asymmetric result names of modal frequency responses
The dataset asymmetric result names of modal frequency responses were computed independently from the presence of symmetric results. Both results are now linked through a consistent dataset naming. The mode index of the asymmetric results is computed based on frequency comparison with its symmetric counterpart.

Version SAM 1.8.0 - Nov 7, 2023 - 22e9e1ad


CSAM-567 - CMake is introduced.
A built-in CEETRON SAM CMake system is introduced. The CMake system is the easiest way to compile and link with CEETRON SAM. Makefile support will eventually be deprecated.

CSAM-645 - Ease the user change of third-party dependencies in the CMake for partners
All third-party dependency directory names can be modified from CMake.

CSAM-631 - Support reading mechanical stresses from Nastran op2 files.
Mechanical strains and effective mechanical strains can now be read at element nodes and integration points from Nastran .op2 files.

CSAM-655 - Update to Ansys Data Processing Framework version 241
Support of Ansys DPF translator version 241. Thermal analysis results in .rth files are now supported.

CSAM-611 - Support of Nastran Bulk data file (.bdf) files with UTF-8 encoding
UTF-8 encoding is now supported in the NASFil library.

CSAM-656 - Added an API for rendering radial background
Added an API called vgl_IActorDrawRadialBackground in vgl libraries to render radial background.

CSAM-633 - Improved error Handling in vis_TriMesh
The error handling and error information storage are improved in vis_TriMesh. Repeated nodes and duplicate lines are stored.

CSAM-642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting element sets as additional parts.

CSAM-403 - Added normal [ni,nj,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element face zones
CSAM-403: Added normal [ni,nj,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element face zones.
The vis_UProp inside the vis_IdTran for Element Faces will now contain the velocity magnitude and the normal vector.

CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry chord checks
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami.

Bug fixes

CSAM-667 - Fix AbaFil conversion Pyram13 from degenerated Hexa20
Fix Abaqus export and import input deck file with parabolic Pyramid13 expressed as degenerated C3D20 element.

CSAM-623 - Fix infinite converging edge splitting in vis_SurfMesh
In the surface meshing library, in specific conditions, edge splitting could go on indefinitely. It would then lead to a final mesh with elements of null area.

CSAM-666 - LS-Dyna D3DLib fix Shell layer count in ReadST
Fix LS-Dyna D3DLib read shell sections stresses when elements have 1 Gauss point and more than 5 output location values.

CSAM-625 - Fix crash while computing the growth rate in vis_SurfMesh
A crash could occur in the surface meshing library while computing the growth rate.

CSAM-661 - CGNSVlib Gather 2D surface section, parts with boundary elements first
When CGNS model is written with VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSSINGLENGONSECTION2D enabled, elements are sorted to write all boundary elements first.

CSAM-657 - Fixing Bug on missing ADJUST parameter in the exported Abaqus Input deck model when ADJUST parameter was set to NO in the initial input deck
Missing ADJUST parameter (TIE Constraints) from the exported Abaqus input deck is fixed when the ADJUST parameter were set to NO in the original Abaqus input deck.

CSAM-591 - Store that Prosolve has changed Featech values when initially undefined
When solving multiple solution properties, and if not specified in the Model, Prosolve will now reinitialize the default element technology when executing each Solution Property.

CSAM-651 and CSAM-652 - Section points are correctly created on Abaqus odb file
A regression was found in abaqus odb writer on SAM 1.6 where section points are not created correctly. This issue has been fixed and now section points are created in the Abaqus ODB file.

CSAM-649 - Fix VTKlib for unstructured grid with offsets
VTK file format containing offsets in unstructured grids is supported. Previously, VTKLib was crashing with this formatting.

Version SAM 1.7.5 - Jan 31, 2024 - 3c8f957b


[CSAM-779] - Reading and writing applied restraint cases (SPC) on velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb

Reading and wrtiting applied restraint cases (SPC) on the velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb file (VELX, VELY and VELZ) are supported

Version SAM 1.7.4 - Dec 14, 2023 - 1fd6f964

Bug fixes

SDVK-620 - Removed duplicated header inclusion in vmlngnumeric.cxx
Removed the duplicated header (vututil.h) inclusion in vmlngnumeric.cxx

Version SAM 1.7.3 - Oct 16, 2023 - fd2f567f

Bug fixes

CSAM-666 - LS-Dyna D3DLib fix Shell layer count in ReadST
Fix LS-Dyna D3DLib read shell sections stresses when elements have 1 Gauss point and more than 5 output location values.

Version SAM 1.7.2 - Oct 10, 2023 - 61a8dd5f


CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry edge checks.
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami.

CSAM-642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting element sets as additional parts.

Bug fixes

CSAM-649 - Fix VTKLib for unstructured grid offsets.
VTK file format containing offsets in unstructured grids is now supported.

CSAM-403 - Added normal [ni,ni,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element Face zones
The vis_UProp inside the vis_IdTran for Element Faces will now contain the velocity magnitude and the normal vector.

CSAM-633 - Improved error Handling in vis_TriMesh.
The error handling and error information storage are improved in vis_TriMesh. Repeated nodes and duplicate lines are stored.

CSAM-652,651 - Section points are correctly created on Abaqus ODB file
A regression was found in abaqus odb writer on SAM 1.6 where section points are not created correctly. This issue has been fixed and now section points are created in the Abaqus ODB file.

Version SAM 1.7.1 - Oct 2, 2023 - 3ad131fd

Bug fixes

Fix obfuscasted error on cgnslib.c file.

Fix license compilation flag after obfuscation

Version SAM 1.7.0 - Sep 29, 2023 - c23aa656


CSAM-620 - Add TS3D standard license management. License is now checked in specific places for Acces, Mesh, and Solve.
The evaluation version now contains a License verification. A valid CEETRON SAM License is required for usage of the API.

CSAM-638 - Create a Time attribute with Vdouble data type in NASLib
Addition of a second time attribute with double data type in NASLib.

CSAM-603 - Forcing to compute all eigenValues in local AMLS matrices
AMLS is now computing all eigenvalues for the local submatrices. Previous logic using an algorithm to partially compute selected eigenvalues was in some cases not finding results.

CSAM-629 - Reading MAT9OR and MATORT card from Nastran input deck file
Optistruct MAT9OR card is read from Nastran input deck model.
MSC Nastran MATORT card is read from Nastran input deck model.

CSAM-593 - Anisotropic thermal conductivity is now read from Fluent files
Anisotropic thermal conductivity is now read from Fluent files.

CSAM-608 - Read effective creep and effective plastic strain datasets for QUADX8 from Nastran op2 files.
Equivalent or effective strains are read for the QUADX8 element type.

CSAM-554 - Add mode to read NAN instead of 0.0 in ABALib
A new flag value of SYS_NEW for the VDM_NODATAVALMODE reading mode has been added to improve the data initialization to NAN in ABALib without impacting the SYS_ON flag behavior.

CSAM-618 - New convention to read only the Odb history data in ABALib
The new convention VDM_CONVENTION_NOFIELDOUTPUT has been added to avoid reading the Field Outputs of the Odb in ABALib.

CSAM-596 Support ABAFil, ABAFwt, and ABALib Thermal-Electrochemical elements QEC3D8/6/4
Support Abaqus elements QEC3D8, QEC3D8R, QEC3D4 and QEC3D6 in ABAFil and ABALib
Support Abaqus analysis keyword "*Coupled thermal-ElectroChemical" for read and write in ABAFil
Support associated ODB nodal variables: EPOT, EPOTE, NNCE, NNCS, NNC and NNC11 in ABALib
support associated ODB element variables: CONCE, CONCS, ELECPOT, and ELECPOTE

Bug fixes

CSAM-622 - D3DLib Average S and EP at Shell centroid when maxint>3
Fix D3DLib: Stress and Plastic Strain are averaged at Centroid in datasets S.E and E.[EQUIV,PLAST].E when shell elements have Max plot integration points greater than 3.
The values at all integration points may be found in datasets S.EIP and E.[EQUIV,PLAST].EIP by using the convention VDM_CONVENTION_EIP

CSAM-627 - Avoiding vis_Group error while generating Tri Mesh.
Avoided a vis_Group error message while generating triangle Mesh if vis_TriMeshSetLineStat() function is used.

CSAM-596 - Avoid error message vis_RCaseSetSPC
Fix in ABAFil: Avoid error message vis_RCaseSetSPC when BOUNDARY keyword is defined on dof code > 11. Note: these dof codes are not yet supported

CSAM-630 - Fix crash on error in mass matrix assembly
A hard crash while detecting an error in mass matrix assembly could occur.

CSAM-619 - Total heat flux vs. Total Heat flow depends on Nastran solution type
The total heat flux result qualifier is used for transient solutions while the total heat flow qualifier is used for steady-state solutions with CHBDYi elements.

CSAM-600 - Fix mesh assignement to a result in OpenFOAMLib
For simulations with several meshes, the mesh assignment to a type of result could be wrong. In those cases, results could be assigned to the wrong entity (element, node...).

CSAM-587 - CGNS export support result where the number of items is larger than Vint. Upgrade to Vlong
Add internal support for Vlong* instead of Vint* to support huge model translations.

Version SAM 1.6.4 - Oct 11, 2023 - b1b86538

Bug fixes

CSAM-591 - Store that Prosolve has changed Featech values when initially undefined
When solving multiple solution properties, and if not specified in the Model, Prosolve will now reinitialize the default element technology when executing each Solution Property.

Version SAM 1.6.3 - Sep 7, 2023 - fd2c02a6

Bug fixes

CSAM-628 - Fix C# headers generation.
Fix various issues in the generation of the public constants values in the C# interface headers.

Version SAM 1.6.2 - Aug 25, 2023 - 3445656e

Bug fixes

CSAM-615 - Remove undesired definitions in C# bindings.
This fixes a bug creating undesired definitions in the C# bindings.

Version SAM 1.6.1 - Aug 24, 2023 - 73495b51

Bug fixes

CSAM-612 - Fix compilation with VKI_NOVDMTOOLS
The compilation without unlicensed toolkits for VfxTools compilation (mainly VKI_NOVDMTOOLS) has been fixed.

CSAM-613 - Fix missing prototypes from C# bindings
Fix missing prototypes from C# bindings.

CSAM-614 - Fix failure to open Autodyn 23.2 files
A bug was preventing newer Autodyn files from being opened. Autodyn files up to version 23.2 can now be opened.

Version SAM 1.6.0 - Aug 16, 2023 - 138dcdd4


CSAM-569 - Support of thermal expansion coefficient for kinematic couplings elements (temperature)
Compute the average temperature increment over all grid points.

CSAM-569 - Support of thermal expansion coefficient for kinematic couplings elements (local coordinates)
Manage local coordinate systems in kinematic couplings with thermal expansion.

CSAM-569 - Support of thermal expansion coefficient for kinematic couplings elements
The thermal expansion coefficient of kinematic couplings elements (RBE2-like) is now supported in the solver. This option is not available with the VFX_MPCTYPE_TRANSFORM method to enforce the multi-point constraints. In addition, the coefficient of thermal expansion of RBE2 cards can be read in NASFil.

CSAM-587 - Add convention to gather all 2D elements in a single section in exported CGNS files
In CGNSVLib, a new convention VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSSINGLENGONSECTION2D is defined to gather all 2D surface elements (in the context of a 3D model) in the same Elements_t node section.

CSAM-581 - support Ansys cdb keyword ETBLOCK
Support Ansys Mechanical 2023R1 new command ETBLOCK in the ANSFil library.

Bug fixes

CSAM-590 - Fix flag logic to export the reaction forces if SYS_RES_R, or SYS_RES_XF is set in prosolve.
Bug fix regarding the computation of reaction force after solving the linear system. Previously, the solver was not computing reaction force even though the SYS_RES_R flag was provided in the RProp. Now, we make sure that it computes it.

CSAM-601 - Fix thermal strain flag set in material created inside method PElemSet_LoadMat
Fix taking into account thermal strains in structural analysis for multi-threaded simulations. With this fix, Prosolve produces the same results regardless of the used threads.
If small numerical differences are found for thermal strain problems using this version, we encourage the user to upgrade the references since this is the expected behavior.

CSAM-494 - integer overflow in Polyface pointers
Fix integer overflow in vis_connect Kernel when the model contains polyhedra and polygons generating more than 2147483647 faces

CSAM-494 - CGNS WriteModel integer overflows
Fix two integer overflow risks in the function WriteModel for CGNS.

Version SAM 1.5.9 - Apr 9, 2024- 0360aaad

CSAM-680 - NASLib Cyclic Mode results are stored in the Local Cylindrical System
In the NASLib reader, fix the local system type and Id on which stresses and strains are written in case of Cyclic Mode analysis. The tensors are now available in the local cylindrical system.

Version SAM 1.5.8 - Feb 16, 2024- ec35c33c

[CSAM-766] Updating the internal ZLIB to 1.3.1
The internal ZLIB is updated to 1.3.1.

Version SAM 1.5.7 - Dec 1, 2023 - 015a47a6

[CSAM-711] Fix Nastran material orientation angle formula

Fix formula used to compute material direction angle for shells by projecting first element edge on the element plane. The material coordinate system direction cosine may change and may generate differences only on strongly warped shell in the reference configuration.

Version SAM 1.5.6 -21 Nov 2023 - 076d1086d

[CSAM-602] Fixed crashed when reading Nastran op2 files without meshes.

Version SAM 1.5.5 -17 Nov 2023 - 076d1086

[CSAM-665] Reading the eigen parameters correctly from A baqus inp file.

Version SAM 1.5.4 - Sep 19, 2023 - 625d245c


CSAM-638 - Create a Time attribute with Vdouble data type in NASLib

Addition of a second time attribute with double data type in NASLib.

Version SAM 1.5.3 - Aug 31, 2023 - bd787495

Bug fix

CSAM-619 - Total heat flux vs Total Heat flow depends on Nastran solution type

Total heat flux result qualifier is used for transient solutions while total heat flow qualifier is used for steady state solutions with CHBDYi elements.

Version SAM 1.5.2 - Aug 1, 2023 - 4975dcb7


CSAM-598 - Add support for complex results from shear panel elements in NASLib

Add support for importing complex results from shear panel elements in NASlib (.op2 files).

Version SAM 1.5.1 - Jul 31, 2023 - bb678a71

Bug fixes

CSAM-579 - Fix AnsLib Duplicate Mesh element numbering

Fix ANSLib: duplicate elements numbering in case of cyclic symmetry was not correct when offset between master and duplicate element was different from the number of elements divided by 2.

CSAM-530 - Avoid NASLib to generate unexpected element stress/strain with SHEAR PANEL

Fix NASLib: prevent element stress or strain results from being generated without reason when the op2 file contains results on SHEARPANEL elements.

Version SAM 1.5 - Jul 4, 2023 - cf9d56bb


CSAM-457 - Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Opstistruct uses the word 'RIGID' to reference high stiffness values.
We replace such a keyword with the value in the variable NASFIL_RIGIDPBUSHVALUE (1e+11)

CSAM-517 - AnsLib support for ECR: element centroid results
In AnsLib, the new result block ECR is now supported for import. This block contains element centroid results listed below:

  • Element centroidal stresses.

  • Element centroidal elastic strain.

  • Element centroidal plastic strain.

  • Element centroidal creep strain.

  • Element centroidal thermal.

Bug fixes

CSAM-312 - Avoid the creation of unnecessary nodes when parsing NSET from an Abaqus .inp file.

When parsing NSET, CEETRON Access no longer adds a node if the node did not exist.

CSAM-462 - Report the correct the number of nodes for PRETS179 elements parsed from Ansys .rst files.
SAM now reports correctly that PRETS179 elements have 2 nodes.

CSAM-490 - Compiler warnings due to VKI_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE while building SAM
Avoid compiler warnings due to the empty VKI_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE macro while building the SAM library.

CSAM-494 - Fix element nodes counter and indices integer overflow in Vis_Connect. Detected in large case 600 Million elements
With a very large model having polyhedra and polygons, when the number of internal polygon faces exceeds
the max value of a 32-bits integer, the model export under CGNS format failed. We have bravely fixed this.

CSAM-495 - Correct data sources for effective mass result datasets.
The source attribute for effective mass results was reported incorrectly.

CSAM-498 - OpenfoamLib hangs indefinitely when loading boundary condition datasets without solution data

Fix OpenFoamLib which could hang indefinitely while loading boundary condition datasets without any solution data provided in the OpenFoam files when the VDM_CONVENTION_WALLINTER convention is set.

CSAM-537 - Fix the invalid transformation of local to a global transformation of Fourier multi-harmonic elements
The Samcef reader has been modified in order to allowBOAPI_HYP_FOURIER_MULTI_HARMONIQUE elements to have the same local and global stress system.

CSAM-573 - Fix degraded ABALib reading performance since SAM 1.2.0
While improving Abalib RAM consumption in SAM 1.2.0, reading performance has decreased. Some of the RAM consumption improvements introduced that led to a significant time increase while reading the datasets have been reverted

Version SAM 1.4.5 - Oct 17, 2024 - 88b8018d

CSAM-614 - Fix failure to open Autodyn 23.2 files
A bug was preventing newer Autodyn files from being opened. Autodyn files up to version 23.2 can now be opened.

Version SAM 1.4.4 - Dec 18, 2023 - 7bc66e55

Bug fixes

CSAM-759 - Fix LS-DYNA d3plot reading issue in large files
The computation of the position of the data linked to a dataset inside very large result files could fail due to an integer overflow issue. This has been fixed.

Version SAM 1.4.3 - Dec 11, 2023 - 9ac381fc

Bug fixes

CSAM-706 - Fix LS-DYNA d3plot reading issue with a large number of elements
An integer overflow issue was prevented reading the state data for simulation results containing more than 268,435,455 elements.

Version SAM 1.4.2 - Jun 16, 2023 - c0db9f9d

Bug fixes

CSAM-573 - Fix degraded ABALib reading performance since SAM 1.2.0
While improving Abalib RAM consumption in SAM 1.2.0, reading performance has decreased. Some of the RAM consumption improvements introduced that led to a significant time increase while reading the datasets have been reverted.

Version SAM 1.4.1 - May 29, 2023 - 0bcbf0d5

Bug fixes

Documentation inside distribution same as online documentation

Fix third-party obfuscated symbols for Ansys DPF

Some third-party symbols were obfuscated causing compilation problems if DPF reader was enabled. This fix solves that.

Version SAM 1.4.0 - May 26, 2023 - f6ba3136


CSAM-290 - Support for reading PBUSH1D property from Nastran

Support Nastran property PBUSH1D in input deck reading.

All optional keywords : SHOCKA, SPRING, DAMPER, GENER are supported. But only with TABLEDi entries. EQUAT keyword is not supported yet. Element properties are available using:

vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_STIFF, &stiffK); /* get K */ vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_DAMP, &viscousDampingC); /* get C */ vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_MASS, totalMassM); /* get[3] M */ vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_STRSCOEFTRA, &stressRecoverySA); /* get SA */ vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_STRNCOEFTRA, &strainRecoverySE); /* get SE */ vis_EPropValueInteger(eprop, EPROP_TENSION_TABLES, &flag1); /* get[4] IDTS for SHOCKA/SPING/DAMPER/GENER */ // For SHOCKA optionnal keyword, CV and EXPV factors maybe required by: vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_VISCOUS_DAMP_TC, viscousDampingCV); /* get[2] CVT & CVC*/ vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_VISCOUS_EXPNT_TC, exponentEXPV); /* get[2] EXPVT & EXPVC*/


CSAM-495 - M200-4788 - Modal effective mass results are read from Nastran .op2 files

These results are presented as the following datasets:





CSAM-501, 502 - CEETRON Access supports now reading .rst file using Ansys DPF framework

DPFLib is introduced in this release as a beta test version to read Ansys files using Ansys Data Processing Framework. We support the reading of the mesh and of results.

CSAM-504 - Add selected error messages in the solver

In CEETRON Solve, two new messages are added when an error is raised:

  • A message indicating the solution property number.

  • If negative roots have been found while solving for the stiffness matrix or if the factorization fails, the existence of a restraint case is checked. The user is notified if no restraint case has been found.

CSAM-522 - Report maximum and average shear stress for shear panel (CSHEAR) in Sol101

Maximum and average shear stresses are now reported when they are available for shear panel elements from Nastran op2 files.

CSAM-526 - Update to Zlib 1.2.13

The provided Zlib library version number has been updated to 1.2.13.

CSAM-529 - Reading PARTIDs from Ansys RST file based on the convention from the user

Now onward you may have different options to set the property/part ids in addition to the old legacy method. We kept the old legacy method to avoid problems/changes on your current regression tests and by default it will be the legacy method.
You can have the following options in order to set the property/part ids.

Numbering the entities in the model is based on:


ANSLIB_PARTIDUSINGSECNUM // the section number

ANSLIB_PARTIDUSINGREALCONSTREF_NUMBER // the real constant reference number

ANSLIB_PARTIDUSINGELEM_TYPE // the element type number

To use those different methods, you have to call the following function.

vdm_DataFunSetMode(libraryFunctions, mode, flag);







Bug fixes

CSAM-456 - Duplicated dataset qualifier "Ply" in SDRCLib

In SDRCLib, the “Ply” identifier was added twice to a dataset name for a result with ply in the name required at a ply location.

CSAM-496 - Total heat flux vs Heat flux qualification depending on the Nastran solution type

In NASLib, total heat flux qualification is now used for transient thermal solutions while heat flux is used for steady-state solutions. Only the total heat flux qualification could be added before this fix.

CSAM-499 - Reading Shear stiffness instead of Shear factor in Abaqus .inp file

in ABAFil, when beam shear stiffness is defined with keyword *TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS, the function vis_EPropValueFloat(value, EPROP_KSY, Ksy) returns the expected shear factor and no more the stiffness. Same remark for EPROP_KSYZ.

CSAM-524 - Nastran export/import imports wrong E3 modulus back

Exporting and then importing a model with orthotropic materials to/from Nastran 2D elements assigns E3 = 0.

CSAM-527 - Crash when meshing with coarse quads

In CEETRON Mesh, crashes could occur when meshing with coarse quads.

CSAM-528 - Fix memory allocation for ANSYS Nodal Averaged Results

In ANSLib, a crash could occur when processing some Nodal Averaged Results datasets as the stored number of components was wrong.

CSAM-532 - Error in compiling AutoDyn files in vdm

AutoDyn API calls (symbols) are added to the list of symbols that should not be obfuscated by the new obfuscator.

CSAM-536 - The issue of clipping planes for the PolyLineArray display is fixed

It fixes the issue in the vgl_DrawFunSetSwitch() function when played back from a display list

Version SAM 1.3.5 - Dec 26, 2023 - e8e85355


CSAM-629 - Reading MAT9OR and MATORT card from Nastran input deck file
Optistruct MAT9OR card is read from Nastran input deck model.
MSC Nastran MATORT card is read from Nastran input deck model.

Version SAM 1.3.4 - Dec 14, 2023 - 97f58153

Bug fixes

[CSAM-714] Fix to avoid hanging while reading a NASTRAN bdf file which contains long file name to include with in it
Fix to avoid hanging while reading a NASTRAN bdf file which contains long file to include with in it

Version SAM 1.3.3 - Nov 23, 2023 - f350444a

Bug fixes

[CSAM-665] Reading the eigen parameters correctly from Abaqus inp file
Fix reading lower bound eigenvalue parameter from Abaqus input files.


Version SAM 1.3.2 - Oct 11, 2023 - 02885c62

Bug fixes

[CSAM-657] Fixing Bug on missing ADJUST parameter in the exported Abaqus Input deck model when ADJUST parameter was set to NO in the intial input deck

Missing of ADJUST parameter (TIE Constraints) from the exported Abaqus i nput deck is fixed when ADJUST parameter were set to NO in the original Abaqus input deck

Version SAM 1.3.0 - Apr 28, 2023 - 5e2bc6e0

Note: obfuscated sources are generated using a new obfuscator


CSAM-335 - Support Ansys 2023R1

Current release support ansys file 2023R1.

CSAM-447 - Support Abaqus odb API 2023

The Abaqus odb API 2023 is now provided with the library.

CSAM-271 - SurfMesh performance improvement 2

Metric computation is a very expensive operation happening during meshing, this computation has been specialized for different element shapes, so it has less overhead

CSAM-271 - SurfMesh performance improvement 1

Improve iterative point projection algorithm to avoid repetitive constant computations on every iterations.

CSAM-475 - Export CGNS: add Convention to use old Cell zone formulae

A new convention VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSLEGACYCELLZONENUMBER is added to be able to use the old formulae when exporting the Cell size with cg_zone_write: Old: size[0]=Cells number + surface elements number + number of surface elements generated to describe polyhedra.

CSAM-396 - Store the default FEA element technology used by ProSolve if not initially defined

Store the FEA technology in the Connect if a default FEA technology needs to be set in the solver. Before this fix, only the default FEA technology of 3D solid elements in a structural analysis would be set in the connect while solving. This fix restores a consistent behavior.

CAE-985 - Add shear panel stress dataset for SOL101 shear panel elements

A scalar stress dataset with the SHEARPANEL qualifier is added for Nastran SOL101 shear panel elements (ecode 4).

Since the stress data was already being reported, removing it would be a breaking change. To solve this issue, the convention VDM_CONVENTION_ONLYSCALARSHEARPANELSTRESS was added. When this convention is added, the stress of shear panel elements is reported as undefined in the tensorial representation.

CSAM-387 - Add Convention VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSALWAYSMIXED for CGNS format export

A new convention VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSALWAYSMIXED is added to let the user able to enforce the MIXED type while exporting sections of the model every time a section contains only 1 type of elements.

CSAM-336 - Read shell offsets from the vis_Model

Add vis_ModelElemOffset() utility function to get shell offsets, based on vis_ModelElemThickness().

CAE-985 - Add scalar view of stress for shear panel elements

Present the stress as a scalar dataset for elements of the shear panel type. These elements can only have in-plane shear stress. Whenever a shear panel element is detected, we create an additional data set with the `SHEARPANEL` qualifier. If the vis_State is used, data is reported as defined only for shear panel elements.

Bug fixes

CSAM-488 - POLYFLOWLib was reading all files with "res" in their names

The Polyflow reader was processing all files with "res" in their name instead of checking that the extension was ".res".

CSAM-480 - H3D file fails to open because of pool name IDs mismatch

The H3DLib failed to open files whose results data sets were not associated with any elements. These results are now ignored.

CSAM-489 - Fix PERMASLib crash while loading complex values

The PERMAS file reader crashed when processing complex results data, depending on compilation settings.

CSAM-271 - Fix bad jump on uninitialized node degree value

Fix undefined behavior during quad meshing in SurfMesh.

CSAM-478 - Fix ANSLib Cyclic Symmetry Duplicate Mesh sets

Fix ANSLib Cyclic symmetry case with Duplicate Mesh.

In case of Cyclic symmetry, the result file may contain a duplicate mesh needed and generated by Mechanical.

The elements of this duplicate mesh are obtained by an unknown but constant offset of the Base element indices. This offset was not correct for elements assuming an odd/even sorting.

CSAM-463 - Manage error in vis_SurfMesh while meshing with coarse quads

vis_SurfMesh could crash when meshing with quads due to an issue in meshing failure management.

CSAM-448 - Wrong surface name written in *COUPLING Abaqus card

The Abaqus input file writer ABAFwt could use a surface name in the *COUPLING card that was defined in the file.

CSAM-454 - Unable to read vendor specific elements when an Adina op2 is loaded

The NASlib reader was not able to read some vendor specific element types when an Adina result file was loaded.

CSAM-288 - Resolve MPC circular dependencies in the solver

MPC circular dependencies are automatically managed in the solver to avoid singularity issue.

CSAM-485- Fix CGNS export when model contains Polygons but no Polyhedron

When a model contains only surfaces, there is no polyhedron in the model, and the exported mesh not was correct.

CSAM-484 - Fix CGNS Poly export when no Polygon in model

Fix CGNS export when there is No Polygon in the model.

This may happen as instance when the convention VDM_CONVENTION_WALLINTER is not set during the Fluent import.

CSAM-481 - OpenFOAM reader fails to read polymesh files which are in result folders

Polymesh files located outside the “constant” directory were not processed.

CSAM-476 - Fix ABAFwt distributing coupling surface names and exported weights

An exported Abaqus input file may contain invalid *COUPLING cards because they may be applied to a surface whose name was defined twice for two different surfaces definition. Furthermore, some coupling weights may not be exported with their expected values but with a default value of 1.

CSAM-400 - Fix Op2 unexpected dataset S.[VONMISES] when no corresponding OES data table is there

In NASLib_library device, if all the element types having von Mises stress or strain values are EL (Element node), if there is only 1 ecode element type having centroid value and no von Mises value, an unexpected dataset S.[VONMISES].E full of 0.0 was created.

CSAM-439 - Fix CGNS export Polyhedra NFACE_n connectivity

When writing Polyhedra face connectivity NFACE_n and if polygon elements are numbered with higher values than polyhedra, the wrong entry in NGON_n was used.

CSAM-440 - Fix bug on contour.c to output the right contour plot with ISOVALTONE

A bug has been fixed on contour.c to output the right contour plot with ISOVALTONE.

CSAM-271 - Fix connect PlaneIntersect signature function on C# wrapper

function PlaneIntersect had the wrong number of attributes.

CSAM-291 - Fix misleading documentation on VolMesh

VolMesh is not currently able to produce hexahedra or wedges. VolMesh produces pyramids from the quadrilateral faces provided and tetrahedra from the triangular ones. Finally, it fills the remaining volume with tetrahedra.

CSAM-424 - Fix datasets related to effective mass in NASLib

EFFECTIVE_MASS.T, PARTICIPATION_FACTOR.T, MASS_FRACTION.T and EFFECTIVE_MASS_SUMMARY.T datasets were stored as float, but the data was read as double, leading to memory allocation issues.

CSAM-436 - Fix out-of-bound issue in Prosolve due to missing reallocation

Use of MPCs in ProSolve may lead to a memory allocation issue if the number of MPCs was increasing during the simulation.

CSAM-412 - Fix automatically sorted node labels while writing sets in the ABALib writer

Fix automatically sorted user node IDs while writing an odb file. If the node labels are sorted, the data is no longer linked to the right node. For example, for indexes 1->10 if the user node IDs are 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; the nodal data from node index 10, user ID 9 was printed as assigned to the node of index 1, user ID 10 because of the reordering.

CSAM-397 - Fix crash in FEMap reader for beam/shell results

This fixes a crash in FEMap reader when no shell or beam has been read in the model but a shell or beam related result is detected.

CSAM-411 - Avoid ABALib crash while writing an odb without part Ids defined

This fix avoids an ABALib crash while writing an odb without partIds defined, and a meaningful warning has been added (pointing the partner to the VDM_CONVENTION_ALTPART convention).

CSAM-404 - Fix ABALib odb writer for nodal data leading to huge memory consumption

When nodal data with written and no consistent node was found (i.e., if data is written for a subset of nodes), a large memory consumption could be observed.

CAE-911 - Fix deallocation of variables faceSharingThreads, and adjacentsElements in CGNS converter

Fix memory issue during CGNS file export when Polys are written.

CSAM-382 - ABALib reader crashes when releasing step memory with odb APIs older than the 2022 release

The third party odb API is failing to release step-related memory in APIs older than 2022.

CSAM-394 - Fix relative order between GL_VERSION_3_0 and OGLVERBEG(30) in vgl

Fix relative order between GL_VERSION_3_0 and OGLVERBEG(30) in vgl that were producing compilation error.

CSAM-376 - Op2 datablock read OES1 as OES1C with Composite elements

Fix Nastran op2 import of OES1 data block for composite element type:

QUAD4_comp(eltype=95), QUAD8_comp(eltype=96), TRIA3_comp(eltype=97), TRIA6_comp(eltype=98),

QUADR_comp(eltype=232), TRIAR_com(eltype=233)

CAE-1088 - Fix reading PARTIDs of an Ansys rst file in ANSLib

Fixed an issue related to the PARTIDs. Some parts of a model were merged into a single part called Part0 which has an invalid PartID.

CSAM-331 - Remove print statements from comsollibio.c

Remove print statements from comsollibio.c

CSAM-287 - Manage “ghost” elements in Ansys rst files

This fix helps ANSLib managing "ghost elements" in Ansys result files without crashing: sometimes, N elements are supposed to be defined in the result file, but a small fraction of them has no element identification as if they disappeared.

CSAM-330 - Fix extension parsing of comsollibio

strstr was being used to parse the file extension of files in the "Open" method. Since strstr returns the first value that it reads, files were always being interpreted as binary if the filename contains both mphbin and mphtxt sub strings.

CSAM-288 - MPC management fixes in Access

Various improvements/fixes made while investigating MPCs management:

  • Solve use-after-free issues after vdm_LibraryEnd.

  • Fix SYS_SOL_SUPERELEMENT-based Nastran input file generation in NASFwt.

  • Manage 0 eigenvalues requested in *FREQUENCY Abaqus card in ABAFil.

  • Fix weight management for non-uniform weights in ABAFwt.

  • Add METHOD case control to select eigenvalue extraction parameters in NASFil.

CAE-1085 - Uninitialized variable for multiple scalars in SDRCLib dataset 2414 + fix user defined temperature conversion factor reader

  • Add support of all scalars in the datatype to avoid uninitialized variable in the 2414 dataset.

  • Fix storage of the custom temperature factor (should be 1/data read).

CAE-985 - vis_State reports undefined stress tensor for shear panel elements.

The tensor results reported through vis_State is undefined for shear panel elements.

CSAM-285 - Exported date is corrupted in NASFwt when locale is set to fr_FR.UTF-8

Fix NULL termination issue when the exported date is longer than 11 characters.


Version SAM 1.2.7 - Dec 1, 2023 - 887660b8

[CSAM-711] Fix Nastran material orientation angle formula

Fix formula used to compute material direction angle for shells by projecting first element edge on the element plane. The material coordinate system direction cosine may change and may generate differences only on strongly warped shell in the reference configuration.

Version SAM 1.2.6 - Oct 3, 2023 - b0fa8ec6

Bug fixes

CSAM-638 - Create a Time attribute with Vdouble data type in NASLib
Addition of a second time attribute with double data type in NASLib.

Version SAM 1.2.5 - Aug 9, 2023 - 37fa055a

Bug fixes

CSAM-579 - Fix AnsLib Duplicate Mesh element numbering

Fix ANSLib: duplicate elements numbering in case of cyclic symmetry was not correct when offset between master and duplicate element was different from the number of elements divided by 2.

Version SAM 1.2.4 - May 25, 2023 - 94adc2c2

Bug fixes

CSAM-478 - Fix ANSLib Cyclic Symmetry Duplicate Mesh sets

Fix ANSLib Cyclic symmetry case with Duplicate Mesh.

In case of Cyclic symmetry, the result file may contain a duplicate mesh needed and generated by Mechanical.

The elements of this duplicate mesh are obtained by an unknown but constant offset of the Base element indices. This offset was not correct for elements assuming an odd/even sorting.

Version SAM 1.2.3 - Apr 7, 2023 - 6906d99d

Bug fixes

CSAM-458 - OpenFOAM reader fails to read polymesh files which are in result folders

When several polymesh files were detected, it could happen that the wrong ones were used to associate cell identifiers with cell results.

Version SAM 1.2.2 - Mar 22, 2023 - d5c540e8

Bug fixes

CSAM-458 - Fix polymesh files management in the openFoam reader

Discard misplaced polymesh files only if there is no regionProperties defined. The issue was introduced while fixing CAE-972 in release 1.0.5.

Version SAM 1.2.1 - Mar 3, 2023 - 2913d4ba

Bug fixes

CSAM-382 - Fix ABALib reader crashes with older Abaqus odb APIs

Avoid a crash while releasing step memory with an Abaqus odb APIs older than the 2022 release.

CSAM-394 - Fix compilation error when version GL_VERSION_3_0

Swap relative order between GL_VERSION_3_0 and OGLVERBEG(30) in vgl in legacy opengldev.c to fix reported compilation issues.

Version SAM 1.2.0 - Feb 17, 2023 - 8781a041


CAE-1045 - Support user-defined element behavior callback functions in Solve

The default element behavior on ProSolve can now be overridden. To achieve this, the user can now provide functions to compute the linear stiffness matrix, the body force vector, and the distributed load vector.

CAE-1001 - Support for Keyword PARAMETER in LS-DYNA

LS-Dyna has been updated to support card PARAMETER.

CAE-1001 - Support for Keywords SECTION_SOLID_* in LS-DYNA

LS-Dyna has been updated to support cards SECTION_SOLID_EFG and SECTION_SOLID_SPG.
Support for card SECTION_SOLID has also been enhanced.

CAE-952 - Support detection of imposed zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient and fixedGradient boundary conditions in openFoam

New gradient-like boundary conditions are now supported in OpenFOAMLib (zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient, and fixedGradient). The activation of a gradient-like boundary condition can now be detected. However, the specified value of the boundary condition is not stored.

CAE-950 - Suppport for Nastran NSM, NSM1, NSML, NSML1 and NSMADD cards

Nastran cards related to non-structural mass are now supported in NASLib and can be used in CEETRON solve.

CAE-922 - Improvement of intVHash container performance

Improvement of the IntVHash container performance by using the FNV-1a hash function.

CAE-890 - Support for Nastran CBEND element

Support CBEND element and PBEND property for export and import. A new element system type SYS_ELEMSYS_CYLINDRICAL_ALT is added to describe CBEND element coordinate system. Pipes and elbow elements are characterized by the SYS_BEAM_CBEND element type.

CAE-911 - CGNS Write Model: add Converter method to write Polygons and polyhedra elements

The method to prepare the polygons and polyhedra elements data expected to CGNS API to export to its file has been optimized to reduce the write time for large models. To improve efficiency, this method is parallel and the number of threads may be set using vdm_DataFunSetThreadsCount(vdm_DataFun *p, Vint threadsCount).

The previous method, no more active by default can be activated with VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSLEGACYEXPORT DataFun convention.

Feature gap

CAE-1056 - Improve documentation for vfe_Truss3DSetPropPtr with VFE_PROP_AREA

The documentation of the function to set the nodal areas of Truss3D elements has been clarified.

CAE-1016 - Add VDM_CONVENTION_NOHISTORYOUTPUTS flag to skip loading history data in odb files and Memory consumption reduction in ABALib

The VDM_CONVENTION_NOHISTORYOUTPUTS convention has been introduced to avoid processing history outputs in odb files. This can lead to a significant decrease in reading time when many history outputs have been requested. Furthermore, the memory consumption of ABALib has been significantly improved.

CAE-1011 - Support NX Nastran CFAST and PFAST in NASLib

Support PFAST import for NX Nastran. The diameter of the connector is available in the Element Properties module Eprop(EPROP_DOUT).


The VDM_CONVENTION_NOINTERNALSETS convention has been added to the documentation (used only with Abaqus result files. If enabled, entity sets internally generated will not be read and processed).

CAE-1003 - Added VFE_PROP_VOLFACT_MASS, VFE_PROP_VOLFACT_STIFF, VFE_PROP_VOLFACT_LOAD options for volume factor matrices

New properties have been added to scale solve matrices, in addition to VFE_PROP_VOLFACT: VFE_PROP_VOLFACT_MASS allows setting a volume factor for the mass/capacitance matrices only, VFE_PROP_VOLFACT_STIFF allows setting a volume factor for the stiffness/conductance matrices only, and VFE_PROP_VOLFACT_LOAD allows setting a volume factor for the volumetric loads only.

CAE-864 - Support user Ids for element and node sets

Support read of user Id in IdTran’s attribute for table datasets SET.ELEM.T and SET.NODE.T

CAE-855 - Support STAGEID parameter in Nastran keyword CYCSET.

StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID

Bug fixes

CAE-1059 - Fix LManLoadIdTranState crash when appending libs

Avoid a crash that could occur when loading an IdTran State if files had been appended.

CAE-1057 - Fix stress parsing of CQUAD8 Nastran elements

The read of stresses and strains for CQUAD8 in the case of non-complex mode is fixed.

CAE-1054 - Fix crash when trying to read a plot3d solution file with doubles

When reading a plot3d solution file in double precision, a crash could occur. This has been fixed.

CAE-1050 - Fix detection of Hex8 and Hex20 elements from the mixed solid elements for LS DYNA files

This solves an issue that occurred when parsing LS DYNA files with Hex8 and Hex20 elements in the mesh.

CAE-979 - Fix wrong detection of units in Samcef results due to numerical accuracy issues

The automatic detection of units in Samcef results has been improved.

CAE-951 - ANSLib ElementNode Euler Rotation for degenerated elements

When loading ANSYS rst result file, the nodal rotation angle has been fixed for degenerated Solid elements

CAE-943 - Fix ODB read with multiple shell sections

For Abaqus ODB files with a multi-layered model, if two or more sections have different distributions (either the total number of points or layer points distribution), they will be handled as different sections if they have different Section Category Names.

CAE-923 - Fix vis_SpacePointIdTran race conditions

This fixes a race condition that could occur when the function vis_SpacePointIdTran was invoked by multiple processes.

CAE-908 - Fix Naslib infinite loop when exporting op2 file from prosolve

This avoids an infinite loop that would occur when exporting a Nastran op2 file from Prosolve

CAE-821 - Fix integer overflow when hashing large tables with IntVHash

This fixes an integer overflow that occurred when exporting a CGNS file with large meshes.

CAE-897 - Fix experimental heap only edges of given size in SurfMesh

This introduces the SURFMESH_EXPERIMENTAL_EDGEHEAPSIZEFACT to activate the use of a feature in SurfMesh that filters elements below a size threshold.

CAE-887 - Fix volmesh swapping if quality is positive or if the result is symmetric

This improves edge-swapping for the creation of pyramidal elements.


Version SAM 1.0.8 - Apr 6, 2023 - 97eeeff2

Bug fixes

CSAM-476- Fix ABAFwt distributing coupling surface names and exported weigths

This fix two issues related to ABAFwt export of distributing coupling cards. Now, the new surface name generated is checked against already defined set names to avoid having identical names. Furthermore, nodal weights were wrongly exported when the last weights of the node set were identical.

Version SAM 1.0.7 - Mar 14, 2023 - 04243305

Bug fixes

CSAM-397 - Fix crash in FEMap reader for beam/shell results with no beam/shell elements in the input model

This fix avoids a crash in FEMap reader when no shell or beam has been read in the model but a shell or a beam related result is detected.

Version SAM 1.0.6 - Jan 23, 2023 - 6e60c046

Bug fixes

CAE-1010 - Fix regression introduced in Version SAM 1.0.4 for Rigid Kinematics Element (i.e RBAR)

This fix revert the modifications causing the SYS_RIGID_KINE elements being treated as SYS_RIGID_DIST. The change was also presented when calling the method vis_ConnectElemAssoc () using the VIS_FEASPEC.

CAE-943 - Fix section category names in ODB files when section have different distribution

For Abaqus ODB files if two or more section have different distribution (either total number of points, or layer points distribution) will now have different Section Category Names.

Version SAM 1.0.5 - Jan 6, 2023 - 166ff9b4

Feature gap

CAE-974 - Support OpenFoam zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient and fixedGradient boundary conditions detection

Activation status of OpenFoam zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient and fixedGradient boundary conditions can be retrieved.

Bug fixes

CAE-987 - Correct parsing of rot_and dataset for Marc files.

CAE-974 - Fix reading of Openfoam datasets from a restarted simulation

When reading OpenFoam datasets of a restarted simulation, not all possible datasets are created and a crash occurs while closing the reading library.

CAE-972 - Fix reading of misplaced OpenFoam polyMesh files

While reading OpenFoam input files, misplaced polyMesh files may lead to a crash.

Version SAM 1.0.4 - Dec 16, 2022 - 0bf4d6b1

Bug fixes

CAE-951 - Fix ANSLib nodal rotation angle with degenerated elements

When loading ANSYS rst result file, nodal rotation angle has been corrected for degenerated elements

CAE-936 : Fix export RBE3 from Nastran with non-uniform weigths to Abaqus .inp file
The coupling coefficient weights are now exported and the RBE3 is exported in abaqus as a DISTRIBUTED COUPLING

Version SAM 1.0.3 - Dec 12, 2022 - 0cd47348

CAE-943 - Fix ODB read Sections data.

Element sections are differentiated from their sectionCategory name and no more from their description

CAE-944 - Fix parsing of stress for CQUAD8 SOL 401 Nastran element.

The parsing of real and imaginary stress components has been corrected.

CAE-928 - [Integer Overflow] Solve integer overflow issues in vis_Connect.

Version SAM 1.0.2 - Dec 1, 2022 - cf71e1d0

Bug fixes

CAE-917 - Fix integer overflow issue in vis_ConnectNodeGroup and vis_ConnectElemGroup.

The issue appeared when the operation CONNECT_SAMPLE was used.

CAE-909 - Bug fix in example 3 for Access.

Fix layer attribute index in print_linksection.

Version SAM 1.0.1 - Nov 24, 2022 - e75ecbde

Feature gap

CAE-855 - Support STAGEID parameter in Nastran keyword CYCSET.

StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID

Bug fixes

CAE-866 - Fix unit information in British systems for unv files.

The temperature unit is decided based on the unit system and the temperature mode (relative or absolute). The factor and offset in the .unv file are used for user-defined temperature units.

CAE-864_sdvk330 - add read IdTranUID in elemsets/nodesets.

Support read of user id in IdTran’s attribute for table datasets SET.ELEM.T and SET.NODE.T

Version SAM 1.0.0 - Sep 28, 2022 - d684b6c7

Bug Fixes

CAE-846 - Correct uninitialized variable in vgl_*PolygonColor(..).

CAE-833 - Correct order of engineering constants in exported Abaqus .inp files.

CAE-830 - Fix bit overflow on vis associations.

CAE-825 - CGNS file import: when there is a boundary condition BC defined through a family, the BC type and name were not correctly stored.

CAE-821 - Fix export of CGNS format containing a large mesh (+ 500M elements) due to bit overflow.

CAE-790 - Support CGNS Section type different than MIXED

CGNS Section type was forced to MIXED even when elements were different from Polygon or polyhedra. Now, when a section is made with a given kind of element, it has the right type.

CAE-775 - Title, subtitle, and label are no longer defined when not present in .bdf file.

Even when no title, subtitle, or label was defined in a .bdf file, they were previously wrongly added.

CAE-734 - Fix error while opening FEMAP file version 12.

Adapt parsing to version 12 upwards for data block 404.

CAE-727 - Check vendor before loading ISOL in NasLib.

The solution sequence number (ISOL) is written by NX-NASTRAN result file but not by MSC-NASTRAN file.

CAE-667 - Support Nastran input with long include path name

CAE-662 - Fix integer overflow due to unsupported internal sets when reading CASECC in OP2 files.

CAE-639 - Support import of allowable strains/stresses for Nastran MAT8 card.

Add support for allowable stresses in MAT8 card of .bdf, .h5, .xdb, .op2 and .h3d files.

CAE-547 - Other small fixes

  • Correct check of uninitialized variable.

  • Remove undesired comparison to zero.

  • Correct array size.

  • Correct use of bitwise and operator.

SDVK-277 - Fix to allow extended Ascii chars to be rendered

PR-3142 - vdm_DataFun’s NODATAVALMODE convention is enforced to be the same as vis_Lman’s LMAN_NODATAVAL when the latter is set.


CAE-844 - Support LS-DYNA-Input INCLUDE with several files.

CAE-769 - Improve detection of OpenFoam boundary patches.

Boundary patches of types wall, empty, patch, processor, and symmetry are now detected.

CAE-755 - Support intersection between subset of mesh and plane in function vis_ConnectPlaneIntersect.

Similar to function vis_SpacePlaneGroup, the function vis_ConnectPlaneIntersect has now an optionally NULL parameter named "group" that can contain a subset of the mesh to be checked for intersection instead of checking the whole mesh.

CAE-722 - Add function for plane and mesh intersection (vis_ConnectIntersectWithPlane).

CAE-639 - Support import of allowable strains/stresses for Nastran MAT8 card.

Add support for allowable stresses in MAT8 card of .bdf, .h5, .xdb, .op2 and .h3d files.

SDVK-138 - Add RasFont virtual window parameter

  • Add RASFONT_VIRTUALWINDOW parameter used to toggle a virtual window/display on/off, ie. when running on a headless system

  • Add RASFONT_VIRTUALRESOLUTION parameter used to manually set the num-pixels-per-cm resolution used when RASFONT_VIRTUALWINDOW is enabled


Previous release notes (DevTools 4.6): Release notes: DevTools [VKI]