All pipeline actions contain an expandable Advanced section of options. These have a set of defaults but can be altered to fit one's needs.
Set the minutes and seconds to wait until the action times out. On timeout the action will quite and report an error indicating the time had expired.
Default value: 10 minutes.
Consider raising the amount of time on this option if one is converting large CAD files. Providing extra time to your action can make the difference of a successful conversion.
Look to change this on the following actions:
CAD to SpinFire
CAD2CAD Conversion
Error Behavior Before
Select the action for the current action to take if an error occurs in the previous action.
Elect to:
Continue Execute the current action.
Skip Skip over the current action.
Cancel Cancel the pipeline workflow.
If one's current action is dependent on the previous action, then skipping over the current action may be the appropriate action to take. For example,
Previous action: CAD to PNG image Create a thumbnail for the current CAD file.
Current action: Resource to Catalog Uploading the created PNG image file to the Catalog. If it fails to be created skipping or canceling may save time.
Default value: Continue
Error Behavior After
Select the action for the next action to take if an error occurs in the current action.