CAD Publisher Pipeline Manager
Managing automated workflows, or pipelines, of data through a system is done from the Centro Pipeline Manager. The Pipeline Manager enables you to create, edit, find, manage, and execute pipelines.
Search - Enter text to search for a pipeline. The search automatically performs partial searches. Wildcard characters are not permitted.
Sort - Sort pipelines alphabetically in ascending or descending order using the sort toggle button.
Create a new pipeline from an empty pipeline flow. See CAD Publisher Pipeline Editor. | |
From the Create New dropdown menu, select Import Pipeline to create a new pipeline from a pipeline configuration file. | |
Click the Editor button to modify the selected pipeline. See CAD Publisher Pipeline Editor. | |
View pipeline results via the Jobs Explorer. A pipeline must already be deployed. See CAD Publisher Jobs Explorer. |
Deployment Icons
Deployed and started | |
Deployed but not started | |
Not deployed |
Deployed/Not deployed
Edit Pipeline - Click to edit the pipeline. Available only to users who have appropriate permissions. See Administration. | |
Jobs Explorer - Click to view the results of the pipeline. Active only if the pipeline is already deployed. | |
Start/Pause Pipeline - Start or pause pipeline processing. Active only if the pipeline is already deployed. | |
Deploy a pipeline. A host manager is chosen as jobs are created. | |
Redeploy a pipeline to apply pipeline changes, when the pipeline has already deployed. | |
Unstage Pipeline - Remove the pipeline from deployment. Active only if the pipeline is already deployed. | |
Delete Pipeline - Delete the pipeline from the pipeline manager. Active only if the pipeline is already deployed. Available only to users who have appropriate permissions | |
Download Pipeline Configuration - Export the pipeline configuration to a file. The file can be used to create a new pipeline. | |
Pipeline Log - View the log for the respective pipeline. |
The pipeline Info tab displays general information, configuration, trigger configuration, action sequence, and history.
The Activity tab displays the actions taken on the pipeline.
Filters - Filter the list down by Agent name, Subject name, Agent Type, or Action type.
Action list - List of all actions taken on the selected pipeline.