3D Radial Menu
Published Mon Jun 06, 2022

3D Radial Menu

 Arc Diameter

Measures the diameter of a circle derived from a selected arc on the model. The markup displays the center point coordinates and length of the diameter of the derived circle.

 Arc Radius

Measures the radius of a circle derived from a selected arc on the model. The markup displays the center point coordinates and length of the radius of the derived circle.

Important Note

If the "circle" was created using an ellipses tool in the native CAD file, the Arc Radius measurement provides two values, one for each of the two arcs that make up the ellipse.

 Circle by Three Points

Draws a visible circle that passes through three selected points on the model and determines the diameter of the circle. The diameter line is drawn through the first point you selected. The markup displays the diameter length and center point coordinates of the circle.

Related Topics

Working with Radial Measurements