Working with Radial Measurements
Published Mon Jun 06, 2022

Working with Radial Measurements

Radial Dimensions . . .
 Measure an arc diameter
  1. Open the Radial menu on the 3D Document toolbar. (Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Radial icon to see a drop-down menu listing the available commands.)
  2. Click Arc Diameter.
  3. Optional:
    1. Select Lock tool to use the command more than once. You can keep adding Arc Diameter markups to the scene until you click Stop.
    2. Enter a hyperlink to a file or to a document and user view within the current file.
  4. Position your pointer over the arc you want to measure in the model. The arc is highlighted when the pointer is properly positioned for selection.
  5. Click on the arc.
  6. Drag the label into position and click once.


 Measure an arc radius
  1. Open the Radial menu on the 3D Document Toolbar. (Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Radial icon to see a drop-down menu listing the available commands.)
  2. Click Arc Radius.
  3. Optional:
    1. Select Lock tool to use the command more than once. You can keep adding Arc Radius markups to the scene until you click Stop.
    2. Enter a hyperlink to a file or to a document and user view within the current file.
  4. Position your pointer over the arc you want to measure in the model. The arc is highlighted when the pointer is properly positioned for selection.
  5. Click on the arc.
  6. Drag the label into position and click once.

Important Note

If the "circle" was created using an ellipses tool in the native CAD file, the Arc Radius measurement provides two values, one for each of the two arcs that make up the ellipse.

 Measure a circle by three points
  1. Open the Radial menu on the 3D Document toolbar. (Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Radial icon to see a drop-down menu listing the available commands.)
  2. Click Circle by Three Vertices.
  3. Optional:
    1. Select Lock tool to use the command more than once. You can keep adding measurements to the scene until you click Stop.
    2. Enter a hyperlink to a file or to a document and user view within the current file.
  4. Click three vertices on the model. Crosshairs indicate when the pointer is properly positioned over a point.
  5. Drag the label into position and click once.


You can choose to show only the arc that runs through the three points by right-clicking the label and selecting Draw Arc from the context menu.


Right-click a dimension markup to make changes to its properties. A context menu will appear and provide command options that are based on the selected markup type. For example, a Point Coordinates markup context menu will differ slightly from an Arc Center to Arc Center markup context menu. (See the Working with 3D Markups for details.)