2D Stamps
Published Mon Jun 06, 2022

2D Stamps

Use Stamps on 2D documents to provide reviewing or status feedback. SpinFire Ultimate provides stamp creating and editing to customize to organizational needs.

 Add a Stamp to a 2D Document
  1. Open the Stamp menu on the 2D toolbar and select a stamp.
  2. Click on the 2D document area to place the stamp.
  3. Click the Copy button to copy the stamp text to the clipboard.
  4. Or click Close.
 Resize a stamp
  1. Click the stamp to select.
  2. Drag any of the eight white re-sizing grips to re-size the stamp.
  3. Release the mouse when complete.
 Rotating a stamp
  1. Click the stamp to select.
  2. Drag the yellow rotation grip and turn the stamp in the desired direction.
  3. Release the mouse when complete.
 Context Menu
  1. Right mouse click on a stamp to obtain the context menu.
    1. Hide Stamp - hides the stamp from view. Use the 2D Markups panel to show hidden stamps.
    2. Lock Position - prevent moving stamps by locking its position.
    3. Copy - copy the stamp text to the clipboard.
    4. Delete - permanently remove the stamp from the document.
    5. Properties - use to configure a hyperlink and comment.
 Configuring Stamps

Setting default stamp

  1. Click Options > Settings > 2D Viewer.
  2. In the Stamps section, set the Selected Stamp field to the desired default.
  3. Click Apply Settings

Creating/editing stamps

  1. Click Options > Settings > 2D Viewer.
  2. In the Stamps section, click DEFINE STAMPS...
  3. Click on a stamp name to edit the name.
  4. Click on a stamp font to alter the font type and size.
  5. Click on the stamp color to change the stamp color.
  6. Click on the bottom row to add new stamps.
  7. Click Apply or OK to save changes.

Import/Export Stamps

Use Export... to save stamps to XMLfiles. Likewise, use the Import... to import stamps into the SpinFire Ultimate.


Use the Export and Import stamp features to share stamp additions and edits in your organization to maintain consistency.