Working with 2D Markups
Markup context menus enable you to change the attributes of selected markups; for example, you can change the background color of all linear dimension labels to differentiate them from the radial dimension labels in a particular drawing.
While each type of measurement will have a unique menu, the context menus contain the same basic commands, such as Copy, Delete, and Properties.
A context menu can be accessed by either clicking on the markup name in the Markups pane or right-clicking the markup itself.
- Right-click the markup dimension label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu.
- Click Hide (or Show) markup name to manage whether or not the label is displayed in the scene.
- Right-click the markup dimension label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu.
- Select Units, then click your choice of units on the flyout menu.
Select Display Units on the flyout menu to show/hide measurement units in the label.
Click As Environment in the flyout menu to change the label unit of measurement to the default set in the 3D Viewer Settings page.
- Right-click the markup dimension label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu.
- Select Decimal Places, then click your choice on the flyout menu.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu.
- Click Stay on Top. The Stay on Top setting has a check mark beside it when it is enabled.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu.
- Click Lock Position. The Lock Position setting has a check mark beside it when it is enabled.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu.
- Click Copy on the menu. The measurement is copied to the Windows Clipboard for use elsewhere.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu.
- Click Delete on the menu. A dialog box asks you to confirm the deletion.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Click Properties.This opens the markup Properties dialog box.
- Click the button that displays the current font name and size.This opens the Font dialog box. (See 2D Viewer Settings.)
- Select the desired font settings and click OK.
- Click the Background... button to open the Color dialog box.
- Select the background color for the label and click OK.
A preview of the selected font and background is shown in the Properties dialog box.
This procedure changes the font of the selected label only.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Click Properties. This opens the markup Properties dialog box.
- Click the Color... button associated with either Arrow or Line to open the Color dialog box.
- Click the desired color and click OK.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Click Properties.This opens the markup Properties dialog box
- Click in the Hyperlink box.
- Type the path of the Web page or file you want to link to, or click the folder icon to browse to a local file.
- Click OK. The text of the label should be underlined.
Examples of valid link paths include:
- C:\MyDocs\SomeDocument.doc
- #view2
- [DocumentName]
- [DocumentName]#view2
To link to a user view, type the pound sign (#) followed by the name of the saved view.
To link to another document within the .3D file, surround the name of the document with square brackets [ ]. For example, typing [Wheel] would open the Wheel document.
If you would like to link a user view within a 3D document, add the pound sign # followed by the viewname. For example, typing [Wheel]#view2 would open the Wheel document and display the view named view2.
SpinFire Ultimate will append the http:// protocol header to any relative link. Therefore, links to files must use an absolute path.
To add or edit a description
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Click Properties.This opens the markup Properties dialog box.
- Click in the Description box and type a description.
- Click OK. The description will appear on the label beneath the original measurement or note.
To add or edit a comment
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Click Properties. This opens the markup Properties dialog box.
- Click in the Comments box and type your comment.
- Click OK. A mark will appear in the lower-right corner of the label, indicating the presence of a comment.
Show or hide the measurement along a specified axis.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Select which measurement(s) to include in the markup. Choices are measurements with respect to the Normal, X-Axis, Y-Axis, Centerline, or All.
To show or hide the arc drawing
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Select Draw Arc.
To show or hide arc measurements
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Mouse over Display to see the flyout menu.
- Select which measurement(s) to include in the markup. Choices are Arc Diameter, Arc Radius, Arc Length, or All.
Flip the measurement axis 180 degrees.
- Right-click the label itself or the name of the label in the Markups browser pane to open the context menu. (See The SpinFire Ultimate User Interface and Browsers.)
- Click Flip Axis.