File Load Completion Notification

File Load Completion Notification

SpinFire adds a Windows toast notification when a file completes loading.

This is useful when larger files take a longer amount of time to load. The toast notification allows a user to work on other things while waiting. Once the notification appears, one can operate on their model knowing loading has successfully completed.

To begin, three new settings appear on the Application Settings page.

  • Display Notifcations

  • Notification Duration

  • Operation Time Limit


Enable Display Notificactions when you want a Windows toast notification to appear on loading completion.

Notification Duration determines how many seconds the notifcation appears. This defaults to five seconds.

Set Operation Time Limit to number of seconds a file load must take to trigger a notification. For files taking little time, recieving nontifcations may become annoying. One may wish notifications files taking longer more time. This defaults to 60 seconds.


If triggered, the notification appears in the bottom right corner of the screen.
