GLview Inova Licensing

This article is for using the license key system for GLview Inova. This description applies to GLview Inova 10.3 and newer.

Using the license key directly

The simplest solution is just entering your license key directly when launching Inova.

  1. Find your license key. You should have received it in a mail from Ceetron. If not, ask your administrator. It will look something like this: 13769179-BUGD-10842-LAJD-FEBVLACLNQ

  2. Start GLview Inova. This will show a dialog for you to enter your license key.

  3. Enter your name/company name (optional) and the license key.

Reading license key from file using an environment variable

Another option is having GLview Inova read the license key from a text file. To do this you need to create an environment variable giving the path to the file containing the license key.

This approach can be used if you have multiple users and don’t want to have to update the license on all machines when the license is renewed. By storing the file containing the license key on a shared server, you can just tell the machine running Inova to read the license from this file.

  1. Create a license key file named glview.glk in the chosen folder.

    Enter the license key on the first line and the licensee name on the second line.  
    Make sure the user has read access to this file.

  2. On the machine running GLview Inova, create an environment variable with name GLVIEWINOVA_LICENSE. Set the value to be the path to the folder where you stored the glview.glk file.

    Do not include the file name, just the folder name.

  3. When you start Inova, it check for this environment variable and read the license key from the glview.glk file found in the specified folder.

  4. When you get a renewed license file, you just update the license file in the glview.glk file. No actions are needed on the machines running Inova.

The file MUST be named only glview.glk. Make sure that there is no hidden extensions.


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