KB HOOPS Visualize
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How-to articles
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Troubleshooting articles
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Knowledge Base - HOOPS Visualize
Texture Articles
Platform Articles
3DF: How to encrypt HSF file using
How-to: Import Unsupported Image Formats
How-to: Create a customer mouse operator requiring two buttons
FAQ: Is there a reference guide for the Resource Monitor?
FAQ: Troubleshooting 3DF and HOOPS Exchange compatibility and license issue
How-to articles
How-To: Save a HOOPS scene to an image format with a transparent background
How-To: Customize the labels of the Axis Triad
How-To: create and display a parasolid body using HPS Sprocket Parasolid
How-To: Get ReferenceKey through a SelectionItem in HPS
FAQ: Troubleshooting Onscreen Display Problems
FAQ: HPS Anti-Aliasing
How to: Find a point on the surface of a model given a known window point
How-To: Get the Net Bounding of a Segment
How-To: Control which portions of a scene graph interact with cutting sections
How-to: Display CAD model in multiple views
How-to: Customize Navigation Cube Operator
How-to: Render IFC model in the same way as Rendering Modes in HOOPS Demo Viewer
Rendering Articles
How-To: Build a KeyPath
How-to: use UTF-8 characters with Navigation Cube
Test/know if sub segment exist
How-To: Display HOOPS Visualize call stack when debugging in Visual Studio
FAQ: HSF Version
How-To: Insert Text with with non-english characters
FAQ: What is the difference between 3DF and HPS?
How-to: Add Cutting Plane Manipulators and Create Slice in HPS
FAQ: Why am I getting a LoadLibrary failure with error 87
3DF - test if 3d driver is available
Sample Code: Selection using SelectionOptionsKit.SetConditions
Viewing Articles
Find vertices for each sub-face (shell inserted as tristrip)
How-To: Adjust scene light brightness
Sample Code Articles
Sample Code: Extract cutting plane geometry
Sample Code: Set exact world fit with no gaps
Sample Code: Conditional Styling
Sample Code: Create a glyph from an image
How-To: Set up HOOPS Visualize HPS_MFC_Sandbox to work with HOOPS Exchange integration
How-To: Set up HOOPS Visualize HPS_WPF_Sandbox to work with HOOPS Exchange integration
Sample Code: Setting the Background Window Color
How-To: Export Visualize scene graph data to non-PRC file format
Sample Code: Animation in 3DF Part Viewer
Sample Code: Measure FPS in HPS MFC Sandbox
Sample Code: Animation in 3DF csharp_simple Project
Sample Code: Set Optimized Camera Position and Camera Target Ratio in 3DF Part Viewer
How-To: Define highlight style
How-To: Count the Total Number of Triangles in HPS
Sample Code: Parasolid component highlighting
How-To: Set up HOOPS Visualize HPS MFC_Sandbox to work with HOOPS Exchange API
How-To: Export html in mfc_sandbox
Sample Code: Create an animation using HBhvInterpolatorVertexMorph class
PartViewer's Dynamic Debug Slot
How-to : Convert window point to 3D point
Sample Code: Custom Operator show marker on selected line
Sample Code: Custom operator – Pre-highlight Area Operator
Sample Code: Create Animation with Matrix in HPS sandbox
Control Curve Tessellation using Curve Attributes
Performance Articles
How-To: Using the HOOPS 3D Part Viewer
How-to: Set up an illustration rendering mode (HLR)
How-To: Set the font when font name is (e.g.) Chinese
How-to: Import multiple CAD models of different units into the same scene graph
How-to: Scale imported CAD model with units
HPS: How to create buttons/operators using subwindows
FAQ: HPS 3rd Party dlls description
How to: Use system font for text on mobile
How to: Create custom textured hatch pattern (3DF)
Camera Near Limit
How-to integrate Parasolid into HOOPS Visualize 3DF
How-To: Render different line pattern when line is obstructed and un-obstructed in HPS
How-to: Create a custom operator to move/edit shell's vertex in 3DF
HOOPS Visualize - Exchange & Parasolid integration sample
How to : Get event of Camera smooth transition after clicking Navigation Cube
How to: Extract exterior surface from a tetrahedron shell
HOOPS Visualize HPS Public Roadmap
HOOPS Visualize 3DF Public Roadmap
What is the difference between a Kit object and a segment Key object?
How-to: Finding the nearest feature to a point (HPS)
How to obtain an arbitrary point on a circle using HPS
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Gliffy Diagram Diagrams
KB HOOPS Visualize
Knowledge Base - HOOPS Visualize
Sample Code Articles
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Sample Code Articles
Former user (Deleted)
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Former user (Deleted)
Last updated:
Mon Sept 21, 2020
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Recent updates
Sample Code: Custom operator – Pre-highlight Area Operator
Wed Apr 05, 2023
contributed by
Rie Hosoda
Sample Code: Custom Operator show marker on selected line
Wed Apr 05, 2023
contributed by
Rie Hosoda
Sample Code: Zebra Striping
Thu Jan 26, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
Sample Code: Setting the Background Window Color
Thu Jan 26, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
Sample Code: Parasolid component highlighting
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
How-To: Export Visualize scene graph data to non-PRC file format
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
How-To: Set up HOOPS Visualize HPS_WPF_Sandbox to work with HOOPS Exchange integration
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
How-To: Set up HOOPS Visualize HPS_MFC_Sandbox to work with HOOPS Exchange integration
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
Sample Code: Conditional Styling
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
Sample Code: Set exact world fit with no gaps
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
3DF: How to encrypt HSF file using
Mon Jan 23, 2023
contributed by
Gabriel Peragine
Sample Code: Selection using SelectionOptionsKit.SetConditions
Tue Sept 07, 2021
contributed by
Simon Phung
Sample Code: Create a glyph from an image
Mon Sept 21, 2020
contributed by
Former user (Deleted)
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