CSAM-765 - Fixing the free type factor in order to avoid missing character names at the top while displaying
Fixed the issue related to the displaying characters with top part missing when using FreeType and Arial bold font.
CSAM-766 - Updating the i internal ZLIB i updated to version 1.3.1
The internal ZLIB is updated to 1.3.1
CSAM-680 - NASLib Cyclic Mode results are stored in the Local Cylindrical System
In the NASLib reader, fix the local system type and Id on which stresses and strains are written in case of Cyclic Mode analysis. The tensors are now available in the local cylindrical system
Version SAM 1.9.7 - - 089482e6
Bug Fixes
CSAM-768 - AnsLib: add element node temperature on Surface element
in ANSLib library, element node temperatures are read on surface element types SURF152 and SURF154
CSAM-766 - Updating the internal ZLIB to version 1.3.1
The internal ZLIB is updated to 1.3.1
Version SAM 1.9.6 - - 658cd32e
Bug Fixes
CSAM-790 - Fix D3DLib import of solid strain tensor results
Version SAM 1.9.5 - - 6ee72081
Bug Fixes
CSAM-791 - Exporting the right node ID into the EBLOCK of Ansys cdb format
Version SAM 1.0.0 - - d684b6c7
Bug Fixes
CAE-846 - Correct uninitialized variable in vgl_*PolygonColor(..).