Versions Compared


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Version SAM 1.8.0 - 07 - 22e9e1ad


CSAM-567 - CMake is introduced.
A built-in CEETRON SAM CMake system is introduced. The CMake system is the easiest way to compile and link with CEETRON SAM. Makefile support will eventually be deprecated.CSAM-667 - Fix AbaFil conversion Pyram13 from degenerated Hexa20
Fix Abaqus export and import input deck file with parabolic Pyramid13 expressed as degenerated C3D20 element.

CSAM-631 - Support reading mechanical stresses from Nastran op2 files.
Mechanical strains and effective mechanical strains can now be read at element nodes and integration points from Nastran .op2 files.


CSAM-645 - Ease the user change of thirdParty dependencies in the cmake for partners
All third-party dependency directory names can be modified from CMake.

CSAM-623 - Fix infinite converging edge splitting in vis_SurfMesh
In the surface meshing library, in specific conditions, edge splitting could go on indefinitely. It would then lead to a final mesh with elements of null area-611 - Support of Nastran bdf files with UTF-8 encoding
UTF-8 encoding is now supported in the NASFil library.

CSAM-666 - LS-Dyna D3DLib fix Shell layer count in ReadST
Fix LS-Dyna D3DLib read shell sections stresses when elements have 1 Gauss point and more than 5 output location values656 - Added an API for rendering radial background
Added an API called vgl_IActorDrawRadialBackground in vgl libraries to render radial background.

CSAM-625 - Fix crash while computing the growth rate 633 - Improved error Handling in vis_SurfMesh
A crash could occur in the surface meshing library while computing the growth rateTriMesh
The error handling and error information storage are improved in vis_TriMesh. Repeated nodes and duplicate lines are stored.

CSAM-611 - Support of Nastran bdf files with UTF-8 encoding
UTF-8 encoding is now supported in the NASFil library642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting element sets as additional parts.

CSAM-661 - CGNSVlib Gather 2D surface section, parts with boundary elements first
When CGNS model is written with VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSSINGLENGONSECTION2D enabled, elements are sorted in order to write all boundary elements first.

CSAM-657 - Fixing Bug on missing ADJUST parameter in the exported Abaqus Input deck model when ADJUST parameter was set to NO in the initial input deck
Missing of ADJUST parameter (TIE Constraints) from the exported Abaqus input deck is fixed when ADJUST parameter were set to NO in the original Abaqus input deck

CSAM-591 - Store that Prosolve has changed Featech values when initially undefined
When solving multiple solution properties, and if not specified in the Model, Prosolve will now reinitialize the default element technology when executing each Solution Property.

CSAM-656 - Added an API for rendering radial background
Added an API called vgl_IActorDrawRadialBackground in vgl libraries to render radial background

CSAM-651 - CSAM-652 and ] Section points are correctly created on Abaqus odb file
A regression was found in abaqus odb writer on SAM 1.6 where section points are not created correctly. This issue has been fixed and now section points are created in the Abaqus ODB file.

CSAM-633 - Improved error Handling in vis_TriMesh
The error handling and error information storage is improved in vis_TriMesh. Repeated nodes and duplicate lines are stored.

CSAM-642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting elements sets as additional parts.

CSAM-403 - Added normal [ni,nj,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element face zones
CSAM-403: Added normal [ni,nj,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element face zones.
The vis_UProp inside the vis_IdTran for Element Faces will now contain the velocity magnitude and the normal vector.

CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry chord checks
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami403 - Added normal [ni,nj,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element face zones
CSAM-403: Added normal [ni,nj,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element face zones.
The vis_UProp inside the vis_IdTran for Element Faces will now contain the velocity magnitude and the normal vector.

CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry chord checks
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami.

Bug fixes

CSAM-667 - Fix AbaFil conversion Pyram13 from degenerated Hexa20
Fix Abaqus export and import input deck file with parabolic Pyramid13 expressed as degenerated C3D20 element.

CSAM-623 - Fix infinite converging edge splitting in vis_SurfMesh
In the surface meshing library, in specific conditions, edge splitting could go on indefinitely. It would then lead to a final mesh with elements of null area.

CSAM-666 - LS-Dyna D3DLib fix Shell layer count in ReadST
Fix LS-Dyna D3DLib read shell sections stresses when elements have 1 Gauss point and more than 5 output location values.

CSAM-625 - Fix crash while computing the growth rate in vis_SurfMesh
A crash could occur in the surface meshing library while computing the growth rate.

CSAM-661 - CGNSVlib Gather 2D surface section, parts with boundary elements first
When CGNS model is written with VDM_CONVENTION_CGNSSINGLENGONSECTION2D enabled, elements are sorted to write all boundary elements first.

CSAM-657 - Fixing Bug on missing ADJUST parameter in the exported Abaqus Input deck model when ADJUST parameter was set to NO in the initial input deck
Missing of ADJUST parameter (TIE Constraints) from the exported Abaqus input deck is fixed when ADJUST parameter were set to NO in the original Abaqus input deck.

CSAM-591 - Store that Prosolve has changed Featech values when initially undefined
When solving multiple solution properties, and if not specified in the Model, Prosolve will now reinitialize the default element technology when executing each Solution Property.

CSAM-651 and CSAM-652 - Section points are correctly created on Abaqus odb file
A regression was found in abaqus odb writer on SAM 1.6 where section points are not created correctly. This issue has been fixed and now section points are created in the Abaqus ODB file.

CSAM-649 - Fix VTKlib for unstructured grid with offsets
VTK file format containing offsets in unstructured grids is supported. Previously, the VTKLib was crashing with this formatting.

Version SAM 1.7.2 - - 61a8dd5f


CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry edge checks.
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami.

CSAM-642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting element sets as additional parts.

Bug fixes

CSAM-649 - Fix VTKLib for unstructured grid offsets.
VTK file format containing offsets in unstructured grids is now supported.


Version SAM 1.7.1 - - 3ad131fd

Bug fixes

Fix obfuscasted error on cgnslib.c file.


Version SAM 1.7.0 - - c23aa656


CSAM-620 - Add TS3D standard license management. License is now checked in specific places for Acces, Mesh, and Solve.
The evaluation version now contains a License verification. A valid CEETRON SAM License is required for usage of the API.


CSAM-596 Support ABAFil, ABAFwt, and ABALib Thermal-Electrochemical elements QEC3D8/6/4
Support Abaqus elements QEC3D8, QEC3D8R, QEC3D4 and QEC3D6 in ABAFil and ABALib
Support Abaqus analysis keyword "*Coupled thermal-ElectroChemical" for read and write in ABAFil
Support associated ODB nodal variables: EPOT, EPOTE, NNCE, NNCS, NNC and NNC11 in ABALib
support associated ODB element variables: CONCE, CONCS, ELECPOT, and ELECPOTE

Bug fixes

CSAM-622 - D3DLib Average S and EP at Shell centroid when maxint>3
Fix D3DLib: Stress and Plastic Strain are averaged at Centroid in datasets S.E and E.[EQUIV,PLAST].E when shell elements have Max plot integration points greater than 3.
The values at all integration points may be found in datasets S.EIP and E.[EQUIV,PLAST].EIP by using the convention VDM_CONVENTION_EIP


Version SAM 1.6.3 - - fd2c02a6

Bug fixes

CSAM-628 - Fix C# headers generation.
Fix various issues in the generation of the public constants values in the C# interface headers.

Version SAM 1.6.2 - - 3445656e

Bug fixes

CSAM-615 - Remove undesired definitions in C# bindings.
This fixes a bug creating undesired definitions in the C# bindings.

Version SAM 1.6.1 - - 73495b51

Bug fixes

CSAM-612 - Fix compilation with VKI_NOVDMTOOLS
The compilation without unlicensed toolkits for VfxTools compilation (mainly VKI_NOVDMTOOLS) has been fixed.


Version SAM 1.6.0 - - 138dcdd4


CSAM-569 - Support of thermal expansion coefficient for kinematic couplings elements (temperature)
Compute the average temperature increment over all grid points.


CSAM-581 - support Ansys cdb keyword ETBLOCK
Support Ansys Mechanical 2023R1 new command ETBLOCK in the ANSFil library.

Bug fixes

CSAM-590 - Fix flag logic to export the reaction forces if SYS_RES_R, or SYS_RES_XF is set in prosolve.
Bug fix regarding the computation of reaction force after solving the linear system. Previously, the solver was not computing reaction force even though the SYS_RES_R flag was provided in the RProp. Now, we make sure that it computes it.


Version SAM 1.5.2 - - 4975dcb7


CSAM-598 - Add support for complex results from shear panel elements in NASLib


Version SAM 1.5.1 - - bb678a71

Bug fixes

CSAM-579 - Fix AnsLib Duplicate Mesh element numbering


Version SAM 1.5 - - cf9d56bb


CSAM-457 - Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Opstistruct uses the word 'RIGID' to reference high stiffness values.
We replace such a keyword with the value in the variable NASFIL_RIGIDPBUSHVALUE (1e+11)


  • Element centroidal stresses.

  • Element centroidal elastic strain.

  • Element centroidal plastic strain.

  • Element centroidal creep strain.

  • Element centroidal thermal.

Bug fixes

CSAM-312 - Avoid the creation of unnecessary nodes when parsing NSET from an Abaqus .inp file.


Version SAM 1.4.1 - - 0bcbf0d5

Bug fixes

Documentation inside distribution same as online documentation


Version SAM 1.4.0 - - f6ba3136


CSAM-290 - Support for reading PBUSH1D property from Nastran



Bug fixes

CSAM-456 - Duplicated dataset qualifier "Ply" in SDRCLib


Note: obfuscated sources are generated using a new obfuscator


CSAM-335 - Support Ansys 2023R1


Present the stress as a scalar dataset for elements of the shear panel type. These elements can only have in-plane shear stress. Whenever a shear panel element is detected, we create an additional data set with the `SHEARPANEL` qualifier. If the vis_State is used, data is reported as defined only for shear panel elements.

Bug fixes

CSAM-488 - POLYFLOWLib was reading all files with "res" in their names


Version SAM 1.2.6 - - b0fa8ec6

Bug fixes

CSAM-638 - Create a Time attribute with Vdouble data type in NASLib
Addition of a second time attribute with double data type in NASLib.

Version SAM 1.2.5 - - 37fa055a

Bug fixes

CSAM-579 - Fix AnsLib Duplicate Mesh element numbering


Version SAM 1.2.4 - - 94adc2c2

Bug fixes

CSAM-478 - Fix ANSLib Cyclic Symmetry Duplicate Mesh sets


Version SAM 1.2.3 - - 6906d99d

Bug fixes

CSAM-458 - OpenFOAM reader fails to read polymesh files which are in result folders


Version SAM 1.2.2 - - d5c540e8

Bug fixes

CSAM-458 - Fix polymesh files management in the openFoam reader


Version SAM 1.2.1 - - 2913d4ba

Bug fixes

CSAM-382 - Fix ABALib reader crashes with older Abaqus odb APIs


Version SAM 1.2.0 - - 8781a041


CAE-1045 - Support user-defined element behavior callback functions in Solve


StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID

Bug fixes

CAE-1059 - Fix LManLoadIdTranState crash when appending libs


Version SAM 1.0.8 - - 97eeeff2

Bug fixes

CSAM-476- Fix ABAFwt distributing coupling surface names and exported weigths


Version SAM 1.0.7 - - 04243305

Bug fixes

CSAM-397 - Fix crash in FEMap reader for beam/shell results with no beam/shell elements in the input model


Version SAM 1.0.6 - - 6e60c046

Bug fixes

CAE-1010 - Fix regression introduced in Version SAM 1.0.4 for Rigid Kinematics Element (i.e RBAR)


Activation status of OpenFoam zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient and fixedGradient boundary conditions can be retrieved.

Bug fixes

CAE-987 - Correct parsing of rot_and dataset for Marc files.


Version SAM 1.0.4 - - 0bf4d6b1

Bug fixes

CAE-951 - Fix ANSLib nodal rotation angle with degenerated elements


Version SAM 1.0.2 - - cf71e1d0

Bug fixes

CAE-917 - Fix integer overflow issue in vis_ConnectNodeGroup and vis_ConnectElemGroup.


StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID

Bug fixes

CAE-866 - Fix unit information in British systems for unv files.


PR-3142 - vdm_DataFun’s NODATAVALMODE convention is enforced to be the same as vis_Lman’s LMAN_NODATAVAL when the latter is set.


CAE-844 - Support LS-DYNA-Input INCLUDE with several files.
