Versions Compared


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Version SAM 1.7.2 - - 61a8dd5f

Bug fixes



CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry edge checks.
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami.

CSAM-642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting element sets as additional parts.

Bug fixes

CSAM-649 - Fix VTKLib for unstructured grid offsets.
VTK file format containing offsets in unstructured grids is now supported.

CSAM-403 - Added normal [ni,ni,nk] to velocity Magnitude set on Fluent element Face zones
The vis_UProp inside the vis_IdTran for Element Faces will now contain the velocity magnitude and the normal vector.CSAM-642 - Export element sets in STLFil
STLFil is exporting element sets as additional parts.

CSAM-633 - Improved error Handling in vis_TriMesh.
The error handling and error information storage are improved in vis_TriMesh. Repeated nodes and duplicate lines are stored.


Version SAM 1.7.0 - - c23aa656


CSAM-620 - Add TS3D standard license management. License is now checked in specific places for Acces, Mesh, and Solve.
The evaluation version now contains a License verification. A valid CEETRON SAM License is required for usage of the API.


Version SAM 1.6.0 - - 138dcdd4


CSAM-569 - Support of thermal expansion coefficient for kinematic couplings elements (temperature)
Compute the average temperature increment over all grid points.


Version SAM 1.5.2 - - 4975dcb7


CSAM-598 - Add support for complex results from shear panel elements in NASLib


Version SAM 1.5 - - cf9d56bb


CSAM-457 - Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Opstistruct uses the word 'RIGID' to reference high stiffness values.
We replace such a keyword with the value in the variable NASFIL_RIGIDPBUSHVALUE (1e+11)


Version SAM 1.4.0 - - f6ba3136


CSAM-290 - Support for reading PBUSH1D property from Nastran


Note: obfuscated sources are generated using a new obfuscator


CSAM-335 - Support Ansys 2023R1


Version SAM 1.2.0 - - 8781a041


CAE-1045 - Support user-defined element behavior callback functions in Solve


PR-3142 - vdm_DataFun’s NODATAVALMODE convention is enforced to be the same as vis_Lman’s LMAN_NODATAVAL when the latter is set.


CAE-844 - Support LS-DYNA-Input INCLUDE with several files.
