Version SAM 1.7.1 - - 3ad131fd
Bug fixes
Fix obfuscasted error on cgnslib.c file.
Fix license compilation flag after obfuscation
Version SAM 1.7.0 - - c23aa656
CSAM-596 Support ABAFil, ABAFwt, and ABALib Thermal-Electrochemical elements QEC3D8/6/4
Support Abaqus elements QEC3D8, QEC3D8R, QEC3D4 and QEC3D6 in ABAFil and ABALib
Support Abaqus analysis keyword "*Coupled thermal-ElectroChemical" for read and write in ABAFil
Support associated ODB nodal variables: EPOT, EPOTE, NNCE, NNCS, NNC and NNC11 in ABALib
support associated ODB element variables: CONCE, CONCS, ELECPOT, and ELECPOTE
Bug fixes
CSAM-622 - D3DLib Average S and EP at Shell centroid when maxint>3
Fix D3DLib: Stress and Plastic Strain are averaged at Centroid in datasets S.E and E.[EQUIV,PLAST].E when shell elements have Max plot integration points greater than 3.
The values at all integration points may be found in datasets S.EIP and E.[EQUIV,PLAST].EIP by using the convention VDM_CONVENTION_EIP
Version SAM 1.6.3 - - fd2c02a6
Bug fixes
CSAM-628 - Fix C# headers generation.
Fix various issues in the generation of the public constants values in the C# interface headers.
Version SAM 1.6.2 - - 3445656e
Bug fixes
CSAM-615 - Remove undesired definitions in C# bindings.
This fixes a bug creating undesired definitions in the C# bindings.
Version SAM 1.6.1 - - 73495b51
Bug fixes
CSAM-612 - Fix compilation with VKI_NOVDMTOOLS
The compilation without unlicensed toolkits for VfxTools compilation (mainly VKI_NOVDMTOOLS) has been fixed.
CSAM-581 - support Ansys cdb keyword ETBLOCK
Support Ansys Mechanical 2023R1 new command ETBLOCK in the ANSFil library.
Bug fixes
CSAM-590 - Fix flag logic to export the reaction forces if SYS_RES_R, or SYS_RES_XF is set in prosolve.
Bug fix regarding the computation of reaction force after solving the linear system. Previously, the solver was not computing reaction force even though the SYS_RES_R flag was provided in the RProp. Now, we make sure that it computes it.
Version SAM 1.5.1 - - bb678a71
Bug fixes
CSAM-579 - Fix AnsLib Duplicate Mesh element numbering
Element centroidal stresses.
Element centroidal elastic strain.
Element centroidal plastic strain.
Element centroidal creep strain.
Element centroidal thermal.
Bug fixes
CSAM-312 - Avoid the creation of unnecessary nodes when parsing NSET from an Abaqus .inp file.
Version SAM 1.4.1 - - 0bcbf0d5
Bug fixes
Documentation inside distribution same as online documentation
Bug fixes
CSAM-456 - Duplicated dataset qualifier "Ply" in SDRCLib
Present the stress as a scalar dataset for elements of the shear panel type. These elements can only have in-plane shear stress. Whenever a shear panel element is detected, we create an additional data set with the `SHEARPANEL` qualifier. If the vis_State is used, data is reported as defined only for shear panel elements.
Bug fixes
CSAM-488 - POLYFLOWLib was reading all files with "res" in their names
Version SAM 1.2.3 - - 6906d99d
Bug fixes
CSAM-458 - OpenFOAM reader fails to read polymesh files which are in result folders
Version SAM 1.2.2 - - d5c540e8
Bug fixes
CSAM-458 - Fix polymesh files management in the openFoam reader
Version SAM 1.2.1 - - 2913d4ba
Bug fixes
CSAM-382 - Fix ABALib reader crashes with older Abaqus odb APIs
StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID
Bug fixes
CAE-1059 - Fix LManLoadIdTranState crash when appending libs
Version SAM 1.0.8 - - 97eeeff2
Bug fixes
CSAM-476- Fix ABAFwt distributing coupling surface names and exported weigths
Version SAM 1.0.7 - - 04243305
Bug fixes
CSAM-397 - Fix crash in FEMap reader for beam/shell results with no beam/shell elements in the input model
Version SAM 1.0.6 - - 6e60c046
Bug fixes
CAE-1010 - Fix regression introduced in Version SAM 1.0.4 for Rigid Kinematics Element (i.e RBAR)
Activation status of OpenFoam zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient and fixedGradient boundary conditions can be retrieved.
Bug fixes
CAE-987 - Correct parsing of rot_and dataset for Marc files.
Version SAM 1.0.4 - - 0bf4d6b1
Bug fixes
CAE-951 - Fix ANSLib nodal rotation angle with degenerated elements
Version SAM 1.0.2 - - cf71e1d0
Bug fixes
CAE-917 - Fix integer overflow issue in vis_ConnectNodeGroup and vis_ConnectElemGroup.
StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID
Bug fixes
CAE-866 - Fix unit information in British systems for unv files.