Version SAM 1.5.2 - - 4975dcb7
CSAM-598 - Add support for complex results from shear panel elements in NASLib
Add support for importing complex results from shear panel elements in NASlib (.op2 files).
Version SAM 1.5.1 - - bb678a71
Bug fixes
Version SAM 1.5 - - cf9d56bb
CSAM-457 - Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Opstistruct uses the word 'RIGID' to reference high stiffness values.
We replace such a keyword with the value in the variable NASFIL_RIGIDPBUSHVALUE
Version SAM 1.4.0 - - f6ba3136
CSAM-290 - Support for reading PBUSH1D property from Nastran
Note: obfuscated sources are generated using a new obfuscator
CSAM-335 - Support Ansys 2023R1
Version SAM 1.2.0 - - 8781a041
CAE-1045 - Support user-defined element behavior callback functions in Solve
PR-3142 - vdm_DataFun’s NODATAVALMODE convention is enforced to be the same as vis_Lman’s LMAN_NODATAVAL when the latter is set.
CAE-844 - Support LS-DYNA-Input INCLUDE with several files.