Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version SAM 1.5 - -

Bug fixes

CSAM-552 - Add precompiled Boost library for Windows and Linux (ubuntu-16, ubuntu-20)
Sebastian Florez (Deactivated)
In order to build and test autodyn, boost needs to be present either in the system or in the packages.
This commit adds boost precompiled libs to the packages for linux. The behaviour of boost has been tested via a test to "boost/filesystem" which is the only module needed by Autodyn.
Additionally, the package of Autodyn in windows where updated with the binaries provided by the partner In Jira.
Finally, Autodyn in Linux could not be enabled since the binaries present in the autodyn package only work with MinGW.
Link: CSAM-552

CSAM-495 - Correct data sources for effective mass result datasets.
Victor Manuel Trejo Navas
After testing, our partner told us that we got the data sources wrong. This fixes the data sources for the effective mass result datasets.

  • Add getStringAttribute convenience function.

  • Add unit test.

  • Correct data sources.

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

CSAM-557 - Use only public API in SAM unit test project.
Victor Manuel Trejo Navas
For the unit test projects to dynamically link with SAM, we can only use the public API (linking errors if we use non-public functions). This PR tries to solve the linking issues I found. More concretely:

  • Explicitly create destructor without arguments for DPFAdapter.

  • Make vis_ResultInformationDefault public.

  • Create Utils.h to replace:

  • vut_Copy** functions.

  • vis_matchIdTran

  • Tests of the non-public API were moved to a separate projects: VdmToolsPrivate_UnitTests.

  • Remove DPFLib tests that were using the DPF libraries directly.

  • Stop using vut_ZeroD.

  • Replace vut_mallocMem by vut_MemoryMalloc.

  • Replace vut_freeMem by vut_MemoryFree.

  • Comment out test for vdm_GradDataVfloat/vdm_GradDataVdouble.

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

CSAM-557 - Make VisTools_UnitTest project able to dynamically link with SAM.
Victor Manuel Trejo Navas
These changes were made in the context of CSAM-557: Refactor all test projects (all unit test projects + regression project) to consume SAM as a shared library. When the unit test projects consume SAM as a shared library, only exported symbols can be used.
This PR contains the following changes:

  • vut_brandString and vis_computePlaneEqQuad are made public.

  • The include of vis/space is corrected (space.c => space.h).

  • The call to vis_Space_PointIdTranElExt (private) is replaced by a call to vis_SpaceKernel (public).

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

CSAM-556 - Adapt unit test project to test according to enabled readers in SAM.
Luis Fernando Salazar Betancourt
Our CEETRON Access library have some compilation flags that determine links to extend our support for different CAE readers. This work consist in adapting the unit test to filter or not a given unit test based on the reader availables.

  • Added readerInformation to retrieve the readers available on the current compilation of SAM Access

  • Added ReaderTestFilter to gather logic in AbaqusFilterVersion + readerInformation. This will filter the unit test of vdm/access depending on the available readers.

  • Refactored cmake file for CGNS and included them by default on the Test projects

  • Removing Sam compilation flags in the Tests project as much as possible. The target is that the etst compiles all the tests everytime.

CSAM-494 - Fix element nodes counter and indices integer overflow in Vis_Connect. Detected on large case 600Millions elements
With very large model having polyhedra and polygons, when the number of internal polygon faces exceed
the max value of a 32-bits integer, the model export under CGNS format failled

CSAM-573 - Fix degraded ABALib reading performance since SAM 1.2.0
While improving Abalib RAM consumption in SAM 1.2.0, reading performance has decreased. Some of the RAM consumption improvement introduced that led to a significant time increase while reading the datasets have been reverted.

CSAM-557 - Make it possible for vdm_qual_testvdm to link dynamically with SAM.
Victor Manuel Trejo Navas
Make some utilities functions public and replace vut_freeMem/vut_mallocMem and vut_MemoryFree/vut_MemoryMalloc.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Add ParasolidBoxes example developped for soyotec
Sebastian Florez (Deactivated)
Add ParasolidBoxes example developped for soyotec
The old parasolid bridge was not able to produce the configuration
needed by Soyotec. This commit adds a new example that is able handle it
The old bridge exam52pk.cxx has been completly refactored and the results
are stored in exam52ParasolidBoxes.cxx.

CSAM-547 - SurfMeshGenerate logic now calls scoped checkInput, LoadGeometry, Mesh and LoadConnect methods
Luis Fernando Salazar Betancourt
Splitting SurfMeshGenerate logic into multiple new methods:
checkInput, LoadGeometry, Mesh and LoadConnect.
All methods are commented to make the reader follows a bit the logic in there.
Original method was about 2500 lines of code. After refactoring every introduced method contains between 350-650 lines of logic.
CSAM-547: First refactor of SurfMeshGenerate

CSAM-498 - OpenfoamLib hangs indefinitely when loading boundary condition datasets without solution data

Fix OpenFoamLib that could hang indefinitely while loading boundary condition datasets without any solution data provided in the OpenFoam files when the VDM_CONVENTION_WALLINTER convention is set.

CSAM-517 - AnsLib support for ECR: element centroid results
In AnsLib, the new result block ECR is now supported for import. This block contains element centroid results listed bellow:

Element centroidal stresses.

Element centroidal elastic strain.

Element centroidal plastic strain.

Element centroidal creep strain.

Element centroidal thermal.

CSAM-457 - Complements PR4125 - Fix warning printed out in debug
Luis Fernando Salazar Betancourt
Fix warning printed out in debug relates to !4125

CSAM-490 - Compiler warnings due to VKI_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE while building SAM
Avoid compiler warnings due to the empty VKI_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE macro while building the SAM library.

CSAM-312 - Avoid creation of unnecessary nodes when parsing NSET from an Abaqus .inp file.
Victor Manuel Trejo Navas

  • When parsing NSET, stop adding a node if the node did not exist.

  • Add getConnect convenience function.

  • Add unit test.

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

CSAM-458 - Refactor surfmesh macro MESH_DEBUG
Sebastian Florez (Deactivated)
Getting rid of the MESH_DEBUG macro on vis_SurfMeshGenerate method.
Ifdefs for debug are in all components specially in the mesher. SurfMesh is
one that contain the most of them making the code hard to read since these
macros are not aligned with the current scope.
The developements in this PR start the developing of logging information.
The most centralised these loggings are, the better, since they could be
use in the future to do instrumentation.
The new logging macros/functions are used to replace the VIS_MESH_DEBUG
definitions in method vis_SurfMeshGenerate method.
Note that the line count was reduced of more than 300 lines and that there are still
544 calls to VISMESH_DEBUG in this file alone (3.5% of the code is either #ifdef or #endif)

CSAM-462 - Correct the number of nodes for PRETS179 elements parsed from Ansys .rst files.
Victor Manuel Trejo Navas
A partner reported bar2 elements with 3 nodes. This element was created from a PRETS179 Ansys element. The documentation explains that the third node is used to conveniently impose boundary conditions on an entire section. A treatment for the number of nodes of elements with VIS_SHAPEPOINT was responsible for this. An exception for PRETS179 was created for this treatment.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

CSAM-537 - Fixing the invalid transformation of local to global transforamtion of fourier multi harmonic elements
Sijo George
samcef file is modifed in order to cooperate BOAPI_HYP_FOURIER_MULTI_HARMONIQUE elements to have same local and global stress system. A unit test is also added to makes sure this change.
samcef file is modifed in order to cooperate BOAPI_HYP_FOURIER_MULTI_HARMONIQUE elements to have same local and global stress system

CSAM-457 - Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Luis Fernando Salazar Betancourt
Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Opstistruct uses the word 'RIGID' to reference high stiffness values.
We replace such word by the value in variable NASFIL_RIGIDPBUSHVALUE (1e+11) determined by Divergent3D)
In nasfil.c|h has been introduced dictionary of doubles and integers. Those dictionaries ar einjected to the nasfilio logic when parsing a double. If such dictionary is not null, we check if the string data is not a keyword alredy registered. If present, we obtain the value and return. Otherwise, we parse the string to double as usual.

Version SAM 1.4.1 - - 0bcbf0d5



Bug fixes

CSAM-456 - Duplicated dataset qualifier "Ply" in SDRCLib


Present the stress as a scalar dataset for elements of the shear panel type. These elements can only have in-plane shear stress. Whenever a shear panel element is detected, we create an additional data set with the `SHEARPANEL` qualifier. If the vis_State is used, data is reported as defined only for shear panel elements.

Bug fixes

CSAM-488 - POLYFLOWLib was reading all files with "res" in their names


Version SAM 1.2.3 - - 6906d99d

Bug fixes

CSAM-458 - OpenFOAM reader fails to read polymesh files which are in result folders


Version SAM 1.2.2 - - d5c540e8

Bug fixes

CSAM-458 - Fix polymesh files management in the openFoam reader


Version SAM 1.2.1 - - 2913d4ba

Bug fixes

CSAM-382 - Fix ABALib reader crashes with older Abaqus odb APIs


StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID

Bug fixes

CAE-1059 - Fix LManLoadIdTranState crash when appending libs


Version SAM 1.0.8 - - 97eeeff2

Bug fixes

CSAM-476- Fix ABAFwt distributing coupling surface names and exported weigths


Version SAM 1.0.7 - - 04243305

Bug fixes

CSAM-397 - Fix crash in FEMap reader for beam/shell results with no beam/shell elements in the input model


Version SAM 1.0.6 - - 6e60c046

Bug fixes

CAE-1010 - Fix regression introduced in Version SAM 1.0.4 for Rigid Kinematics Element (i.e RBAR)


Activation status of OpenFoam zeroGradient, uniformFixedGradient and fixedGradient boundary conditions can be retrieved.

Bug fixes

CAE-987 - Correct parsing of rot_and dataset for Marc files.


Version SAM 1.0.4 - - 0bf4d6b1

Bug fixes

CAE-951 - Fix ANSLib nodal rotation angle with degenerated elements


Version SAM 1.0.2 - - cf71e1d0

Bug fixes

CAE-917 - Fix integer overflow issue in vis_ConnectNodeGroup and vis_ConnectElemGroup.


StageID parameter of Nastran keyword CYCSET is available in GProp through global property GPROP_SYMM_STAGEID

Bug fixes

CAE-866 - Fix unit information in British systems for unv files.
