Versions Compared


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Code Block
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_STIFF, &stiffK);                   /* get K */
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_DAMP, &viscousDampingC);           /* get C */
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_MASS, totalMassM);                 /* get[3] M */
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_STRSCOEFTRA, &stressRecoverySA);   /* get SA */
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_STRNCOEFTRA, &strainRecoverySE);   /* get SE */
    vis_EPropValueInteger(eprop, EPROP_TENSION_TABLES, &flag1);          /* get[4] IDTS for SHOCKA/SPING/DAMPER/GENER */
// For SHOCKA optionnal keyword, CV and EXPV factors maybe required by:
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_VISCOUS_DAMP_TC, viscousDampingCV); /* get[2] CVT & CVC*/
    vis_EPropValueDouble(eprop, EPROP_VISCOUS_EXPNT_TC, exponentEXPV);    /* get[2] EXPVT & EXPVC*/


CSAM-499 - Reading Shear stiffness instead of Shear factor in Abaqus .inp file

Daniel Vieilledent

CSAM-514 - ABAFil not returning correct EProp EPROP\_KSY and EPROP\_KSZ as stiffness factor

Daniel Vieilledent in ABAFil, when beam shear stiffness is defined with keyword *TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS, the function vis_EPropValueFloat(value, EPROP_KSY, Ksy) returns the expected shear factor and no more the stiffness. Same remark for EPROP_KSYZ.

CSAM-524 - Nastran export/import imports wrong E3 modulus back
