Activating SpinFire Ultimate
Published Mon Jun 06, 2022

Activating SpinFire Ultimate

Once the floating license server has been set up you will need to activate the local users(clients) to ensure that they have access to the Server

You can check if your activation of SpinFire is successful from your Home page under Status - You will see a tick in the floating license box.

A new client installation of SpinFire can be activated during installation by enter the SEAT ID when prompted

However, there are 4 alternative methods of Activation for existing SpinFire installations

  1. Use the Seat ID and Activate Online.
  2. Use the license.al file by using the Read License File button.
  3. Place license.al and sfpflv.dat in the C:\ProgramData\Actify\Spinfire11 folder and reopen SpinFire
  4. Use the new Server Activation feature (Seat ID and license.al files are not required).

Option 1 -  Activate Online Method

Go to Options > Activation and Enter the SEAT ID you have been provided and Activate Online




Option 2 – Activate Manually Method


Actify will have provided you with a license.al file. Save this either on the local client (user's pc) or somewhere accessible on the server.

Go to Options > Activation > Read License File > Browse to the license.al file > Open





Option 3 - Alternative Manual activation Method

If SpinFire does not activate through Option 1 or 2 , do the following:

Close SpinFire

Save/Overwrite existng copies of both the license.al and sfpflv2.dat file into the following location:



If you do not see ProgramData on your C Drive, you’ll need to open the C Drive and select Options


Then click the View tab and tick “Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives” and click OK


On SpinFire's Home page you should see “Floating License” ticked , which means it's now activated.


If it then errors regarding an importer when you try to open a file, you may need to review the Floating License Manager logs and if there’s errors on the server, to escalate to your I.T or the Actify Support team. When doing so, please provide a copy of your machine’s dxdiag that SpinFire is installed on, as well as your SpinFire.log file (C:\ProgramData\Actify\SpinFire11\Logs)

Option 4 - Server Activation Method

  1. Click the Change Server Parameters... button.
  2. Enter the Server Name and Server MAC Address. Click the OK button.

  3. Confirm the changes. 
  4. Click the License Server Status button to see the number of licenses used and when the license was taken.
  5. Click the Activate Floating License button. 

If the activation fails, the following error message appears indicating that the application is in Reader Mode. Verify that the server name and MAC address are correct and try again. 

If activation is successful, you will be directed to the SpinFire Ultimate registration page.

License Status

To view the license status on the floating license server,

  1. Run LMTools on the server.
  2. Select the Server Status tab. 
  3. Click the Perform Status Enquiry button.