

3D Document Browsers

Displays 3D file information depending which icon was selected. From left to right:


Displays the assembly tree, which lists the subassemblies and parts that comprise a model. See Assemblies and Parts in a 3D Scene and Assembly Context Menu for details.


Displays a hierarchical list of the dimension and note labels that have been added to a model, as well the username of the person who created them and the date they were last modified. See Measuring and Annotating a 3D Model for details. The Markups browser also lists the defined coordinate systems.


Displays a hierarchical list of the PMI (GD&T) annotations in the scene.


Displays a list of available views. You can select one of the standard views, save a user or CAD view of your own, or select from views saved by others. See Controlling the View for details.






2D Document Browsers

Displays 2D file information depending which icon icon was selected. From left to right:


Displays the drawing sheets, layers, and elements of a drawing.


Displays a hierarchical list of the dimension and note labels that have been added to a drawing, as well the username of the person who created them and the date they were last modified. See Measuring and Annotating 2D Documents  for details.