Custom packages for the CeeCloudServer (RemoteModel)
Custom packages for the CeeCloudServer (RemoteModel)
This page shows you how to use custom commands to communicate between the web client and the CeeCloudServer using the already established WebSocket.
Add this code in the client (this.m_socket
is the web socket which you pass to the constructor of cee.ug.RemoteModel):
this.m_socket.on("CustomDataResponse", (data:any) => {
console.log(`Response from client: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`)
this.m_socket.emit("GetCustomData", {command: "getInfo", data: "partId:123"});
In the CeeCloudServer, add this to the main.js file, before the serverInstance.start(); line:
serverInstance.addCustomPacketHandler("GetCustomData", (packetData, callback) => {
console.log(`packetData: incomingPacketName:${packetData.incomingPacketName},
incomingData: ${JSON.stringify(packetData.incomingData, null, 2)},
modelKey: ${packetData.modelKey}, fullModelFileName: ${packetData.fullModelFileName}`);
const customData = { myValue: 123, myString: "ABC" };
callback("CustomDataResponse", customData);
Running the example
Executing the code above in the client gives the following output:
Client side
Response from client: {
"myValue": 123,
"myString": "ABC"
Server side
, multiple selections available,