CAD Publisher Pipeline Configuration

CAD Publisher Pipeline Configuration

Configure the overall behavior of a pipeline through the Pipeline Configuration interface. Configure the pipeline name, description,and the number of concurrent jobs.

To configure a pipeline,

  1. Select the pipeline from the Pipeline Manager.

  2. Click on the Edit Pipeline icon.

  3. Click Edit. 

  4. Make changes.

  5. Click Save Changes.
    Note: You may need to redeploy your pipeline for changes to take affect.

Field Name


Field Name


Pipeline Name

The name of the pipeline.

It is recommended to give a unique name to distinguish between pipelines.


A description of the pipeline.

Deployment: Pipeline Host

For environments running multiple hosts, select the pipeline host to run the pipeline.

Deployment: Trigger Host

For environments running multiple hosts, select the pipeline host to run the trigger.

Job Selection

Oldest Job First

Run the oldest job first or

Highest Priority Job First

Run the job with the highest priority first

Run Jobs Only Once

Run jobs only one time

Start Pipeline when Deployed

Automatically start the pipeline when deployed.

Automatically start the pipeline after system reboot.

Note: Pipeline Services must also be running

Error Notifications

Send error notifications to these users

Select users from the Centro system to send pipeline errors. Select one or more users.

Send error notifications to users in these roles

Select roles from the Centro system to send pipeline errors.