Last update:

This page provides you with some insights about the HOOPS Visualize roadmap. If you are interested in providing input or collaborating on any of the projects below, please contact HOOPS Visualize's Product Manager or Tech Soft 3D support.

Release Plan

HOOPS Visualize release schedule consists in a major release and two service packs per year.

Minor updates might be released in between according to needs:

Release Schedule

See the HOOPS Target General Availability Dates.

Format Updates Plan

Provisional plan – Subject to change



Sketchup 2023

HPS 2023 SP2

Additionally, refer to the HOOPS Exchange Roadmap for Format Updates Plan, if applicable.

Short-term projects

Projects planned to be delivered in next release (next 4 months)

Mid-term projects

Planned or on-going projects that might be delivered mid-term (in one or two releases) – After 4 months / before 12 months

Long-term projects

Longer term projects we are considering