The following demonstrates creating 2D lines through scriptnig.
InsertLine(x-coord, y-coord, color, thickness)
x-coord: Starting x-coordinate.
y-coord: Starting y-coordinate.
color: color as a string in the form "#AARRGGBB"
thickness: lne thickness number > 0
import spinfirescript as sfs
import random
for i in range(1,10):
newColor = "#FF"+''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for j in range(6)])
sfs.InsertLine([0, (i+(i*4))*-1], [50, (i+(i*4))*-1], "#FF000000", i)
sfs.InsertLine([100, (i+(i*4))*-1], [150, (i+(i*4))*-1], newColor, i)