It is possible to specify several ProE/Creo specific options (in A3DRWParamsProEData) while importing such CAD files with the HOOPS Exchange API, including the following ones:
Family tables (m_eFamilyTables):
A3DProEFamTabAcceleratorFileOnly: Only use accelerator (.xpr, .xas) files. If none are available then no tessellation nor generic parts will be loaded.
A3DProEFamTabOrUseTessellation: Will try to use the accelerator files first when possible. otherwise will load the tessellation instead.
A3DProEFamTabOrUseWireAndGeneric: If no accelerator files nor tessellation are available, will use generic/wire representation.
Flexible components:
If flexible components do contain tessellation, it will be loaded by default
Otherwise, setting m_bFlexCompUseGenericIfNoTess to true will load up the generic representation instead if no tessellation is available