Versions Compared


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Update an Existing License Server

If a license server is already in place, simply replace the current sfpflv2.dat file with the new one provided by the Actify license manager, then perform a Stop, Start, ReRead.

Next, verify that the license server is up and running:

  • Navigate to the Service Status tab.
  • Select Perform Status Enquiry.
  • At the bottom of the listing, you should see text similar to the following:
    Users of 3DView35-Core: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
    Users of SpinFire11: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

    New License Server Installation

    Prior to installing the new floating license software, ensure the following:

    1. A Windows-based server (2016, 2019 and 2022 Server 64-bit versions) is available for the installation. 

    2. Have provided the server name and mac address to Actify for the Floating license.

    3. Obtain the two necessary floating license files: and sfpflv2

    .dat.A Windows-based server is available for the installation. Actify can provide either 32-bit or 64-bit Floating License Server software; the installation procedure is the same for both
    1. .dat from Actify.


    Important Note

     SpinFire 11.9.x Information 

    The latest SpinFire releases will require Floating License Manager version installed in order for the end-users to use their floating licenses.  You may download this latest version under Point 1 of this page


    If the floating license server is already installed (Version can be found within LMTools.exe under Help > About) you will have to upgrade to the latest version, build 272614, by downloading the installer found under Point 1 and run it over your existing installation (If the last FLM installation on the server was done before early 2020 you will most likely need to uninstall the current FLM and install the latest version afterward).


    Ensure that after the Floating License Manager has been updated with the latest license file that the files are then copied to the SpinFire end-user machines or that they use Activate Floating License, at the bottom of the Activation page, to grab the new License files from the server. Do not use Activate Online for Floating Licenses.  One of the reasons is that it will not take into account any specified ports that have been configured on the Server.

    Then proceed with the installation:

    NOTE: Support for the 32-bit version of FlexLM has been removed.

    1. Download the appropriate installation package.

      1. ActifyFloatingLicenseServer.x64.exe for 64-bit systems

    .ActifyFloatingLicenseServer.x86.exe for 32-bit systems
      1. . The version is build 272614.

      2. Double-click the file name to start the InstallShield Wizard. 

    1. On the welcome screen, click Next to continue.

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    2. Next, read the Software License Agreement. To continue the installation, click the I accept the terms in the license agreement radio button. then Next

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    2. The next screen allows you to browse for and select your sfpflv2.dat file (see above). The installation will automatically place this in the correct folder. Click the Next button.
      (If you have not received a the license file, click the Next button to continue.)

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    2. Click the Install button.

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    2. A status bar shows the progress of the installation. Installation takes less than three minutes to complete.

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    2. The final screen lets you know the installation is complete. Press the Finish button to exit.

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    Post Installation

    The license manager software is installed in the C:\Program Files\Actify\Floating License Manager folder (for 64-bit). You can verify the files have been installed there.
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    If you didn't supply the .dat file earlier (Step 5), you need to manually configure the floating license server. To do this:

    1. Copy the sfpflv2.dat file to the C:\Program Files\Actify\Floating License Manager folder.

    2. Start the lmtools.exe

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    2. Select the Config Services tab.

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    1. Enter the Service Name as Actify License Manager.

    2. Browse and find the lmgrd.exe path.

    3. Browse and find the sfpflv2.dat path.

    4. Make sure Start Server at Power Up and Use Services are checked.

    5. Click on the Save Service button.

    6. Select the Start/Stop/Reread tab.

    7. Click Start Server.

    8. Click 

    ReRead License
    1. Reread License File.

    Verify Service

    1. In LMTools, click on the Server Status and click on the Perform Status Enquiry.
    2. Verify there are no errors.
    3. Once the system is set up correctly, one can check Windows Services to see the Actify License Manager status as Started.
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    titleImportant Note


    If a floating license server already exists for SpinFire 10.x,

    1. Uninstall 9.2 FlexLM and install the new license server (see New License Server Installation on this page).
    2. Replace the sfpflv2.dat file with the new one, and perform a Stop, Start, ReRead.


    If, on startup, SpinFire Ultimate 11.0 does not locate the new license file in the spinfire11 folder, it will search for an existing SpinFire 10.x license file, working backward to version 10.0. If found, the license file is then copied to the spinfire11 folder.

    Should this occur, /wiki/spaces/SF1100/pages/3233285414 may be required to update the license file expiration date.

    Firewall Configuration

    The server system must allow for two programs to communicate across the network. Configure the firewall to allow the actifyd.exe and lmgrd.exe programs through:

    1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall (If you are in Category view, you might need to go into System & Security first.)

    2. Go to Advanced Settings in Windows Firewall (located in the action list on the left side).

    3. Go to Inbound rules (located under the root item of the file tree on the left).

    4. Create a new rule (you can right click on Inbound rules > New Rule, or, select the action "New Rule" from the list on the right).

    5. Select Rule Type as Program. Click Next.

    6. Select This Program Path and browse to lmgrd.exe (the new 64 bit lmgrd). Click Next.

    7. Select Allow the connection. Click Next.

    8. Select Domain, Private, Public (three checkboxes). Click Next.

    9. Give a name to the rule (e.g., Actify_LMGRD). Click Finish.

    10. Repeat the steps above for actifyd.exe (located in the same folder as lmgrd.exe).

    How to set Static Ports for SpinFire or the Actify Vendor Daemon

    How to configure SpinFire or the Actify Vendor daemon to use specific ports can be found here

    How to set up Timeout to your Actify Options file for Floating Licenses

    Adding Timeout for floating licenses

    Actify Options for Floating Licenses (Groups, Include, Exclude, Case sensitivity etc)

    Other Floating Actify Options file options

    Related Topics

    Activating SpinFire Floating License

    Configuring Specific Ports for SpinFire and Actify Vendor Daemon

    Update License on Floating License Manager

    Floating License Changing Ports