This Guide is how to configure SpinFire and ActifyD.exe to use specific ports. This may be due to consistant port clashes with other FLoating licenses or other products installed on the server or if there is high latency issues on your network it is nessesary to have specified ports so SpinFire does not auto-scan for ports for too long (It will scan forĀ an available port between 27000 to 27009 by default). Please note that your I.T Administator should ensure whichever ports you decide to use for SpinFire or the Actify Vendor Daemon.
NOTE - Setting a specified port for the Vendor DaemonĀ (
actifyd.exe) is not needed in most cases
. But some firewalls configurations require fixed port numbers, so in those instances the lmgrd.exe and actifyd.exe need be set to be static to avoid problems.
1.Set a Specified Port for SpinFire