Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Clicking on a chart element...

highlights the associated parts in the assembly tree as well as the graphical area.

titleChart Types

titlePie Chart

Pie charts compare parts to the whole as in parts of an assembly to the assembly itself.

titleDoughnut Chart

Doughnut charts compare parts to the whole especially when there's more the one series of data.

titleBar Chart

Bar charts compares items side-by-side especially when labels are too long to display vertically

titleColumn Chart

Column charts compares values side-by-side across categories.

titleColumn Breakdown Chart

Column breakdown charts compare data side-by-side showing part-to-whole relationships.

titleStacked Column Chart

Stacked column charts compare like data as well as showing part-to-whole relationships.

titleScatter Chart

Scatter charts exhibit sets of data to show if there is a relationship between the data.

titleBubble Chart

Image Added

Bubble charts are used when your data has three data series that each contain a set of values. The sizes of the bubbles are determined by the values. Bubble charts are often used to present financial data.

titleHeat Map

Heat maps typically show varying levels/ranges of values with shades of colors.

titleShow Physical Properties

Check Show Physical Properties to chart against physical properties. The properties are available from the Value pull down.

  • Surface
  • Volume

Note: When enabling, physical properties are recalculated. Depending on the number and complexity of parts this may take a few seconds.

titleExport Properties

To export properties

  1. For the Export Type, select Properties.
  2. Click Export...
  3. Enter a file name.
  4. Select a file type. Choose,
    • txt
    • csv
    • xml
    • xsl
    • xlsx
  5. Click Save.

titleExport Chart

To export chart

  1. For the Export Type, select Chart
  2. Click Export...
  3. Enter a file name.
  4. Select a file type. Choose,
    • bmp
    • emf
    • exif
    • gif
    • jpeg
    • png
    • tiff
    • wmf
  5. Click Save.