Start SpinFire Ultiamte Ultimate from the command line simply by typing SpinFire.exe.
However there are additional There are command line options allowing you to control how files are opened and
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Specify a filename to automatically load in SpinFire Ultimate.
Usage: SpinFire.exe <filename>
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Use the -i option to import the specified file to the active workspace. SpinFire must already be opened.
Usage: SpinFire.exe -i <filename>
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Use the -a option to add the specified file to the active workspace. SpinFire must already be opened.
Usage: SpinFire.exe -a <filename>
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Use the -o option to open the specified file in the current open instance of SpinFire.
Usage: SpinFire.exe -o <filename>
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Use the -r option to open SpinFire in reader mode.
Usage: SpinFire.exe -r <filename|optional>
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Use the -v option to display the version number of SpinFire.
Usage: SpinFire.exe -v
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Use the -h option to display the SpinFire command line options.
Usage: SpinFire.exe -h