CSAM-649 - Fix VTKlib for unstructured grid with offsets
VTK file format containing offsets in unstructured grids is supported. Previously, VTKLib was crashing with this formatting.
Version SAM 1.7.5 - - 3c8f957b
[CSAM-779] - Reading and writing applied restraint cases (SPC) on velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb
Reading and wrtiting applied restraint cases (SPC) on the velocity of the nodes in Ansys cdb file (VELX, VELY and VELZ) are supported
Version SAM 1.7.4 - - 1fd6f964
Bug fixes
Version SAM 1.7.2 - - 61a8dd5f
CSAM-624 - Check mesh intersections before collapsing edges in geometry edge checks.
Addition of a meshing option for vis_SurfMesh to check for potential new surface intersections created while collapsing edges in geometry chord checks. This option is deactivated by default and activated through the SURFMESH_GEOMCHORDEDGE_INTERSECT flag in vis_SurfMeshSetParami.
Version SAM 1.7.0 - - c23aa656
CSAM-620 - Add TS3D standard license management. License is now checked in specific places for Acces, Mesh, and Solve.
The evaluation version now contains a License verification. A valid CEETRON SAM License is required for usage of the API.
Version SAM 1.6.0 - - 138dcdd4
CSAM-569 - Support of thermal expansion coefficient for kinematic couplings elements (temperature)
Compute the average temperature increment over all grid points.
Version SAM 1.5.2 - - 4975dcb7
CSAM-598 - Add support for complex results from shear panel elements in NASLib
Version SAM 1.5 - - cf9d56bb
CSAM-457 - Support RIGID keyword in Nastran input deck from Optistruct
Opstistruct uses the word 'RIGID' to reference high stiffness values.
We replace such a keyword with the value in the variable NASFIL_RIGIDPBUSHVALUE
Version SAM 1.4.0 - - f6ba3136
CSAM-290 - Support for reading PBUSH1D property from Nastran
Version SAM 1.3.5 - - e8e85355
CSAM-629 - Reading MAT9OR and MATORT card from Nastran input deck file
Optistruct MAT9OR card is read from Nastran input deck model.
MSC Nastran MATORT card is read from Nastran input deck model.
Note: obfuscated sources are generated using a new obfuscator
CSAM-335 - Support Ansys 2023R1
Version SAM 1.2.0 - - 8781a041
CAE-1045 - Support user-defined element behavior callback functions in Solve
PR-3142 - vdm_DataFun’s NODATAVALMODE convention is enforced to be the same as vis_Lman’s LMAN_NODATAVAL when the latter is set.
CAE-844 - Support LS-DYNA-Input INCLUDE with several files.