This is the one that will be imported if A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_bLoadDefault is set to true.
However, if you want to load another specific configuration instead, it’s also possible by specifying its name in A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries during the import.
Info |
This last option’s only able to accept a single configuration for SolidWorks files, so be sure to also set A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_uiEntriesSize to 1 and no more. |
Note |
Also in case of Solidworks nested configurations, please notice that only the name of the desired configuration should be set since / cannot be part of configuration names. |
However, if you need to load several configurations, all can be imported at once by just enabling the A3DRWParamsSolidworksData::m_bLoadAllConfigsData option.
Info |
If some parts of an assembly are missing while reading all configurations, HOOPS will try to “repair” them with the tessellation available in the assembly head. |