Version DT 4.6.15 - - d86ad6ca
CAE-780 - Support export of multiple analyses of different type for Ansys .cdb (E.g. static + buckling).
It is now possible to export multiple analyses with different types. For a series of consecutive analyses, if the analyses type changes with respect to the previous one, the exported .cdb file will specify that results should be send to a new results file. If all analyses are of the same type, the .cdb file will specify that a single results file should be generated.
Bug fixes
CAE-778 - Fix uninitialized variables in vis_ConCheckCollapseEdge that caused crashes.
Version DT 4.6.14 - - 72d61ba9
CAE-784 : Fix shift initialization logic for Lanczos eigensolver in SysMatrix
This add adds the same behavior of the eigenshift automatic calculation as found in previous releases.
Version DT 4.6.10 - - 96409b7a
- Nastran import SET and INCLUDE.
Fixes import of Nastran SETs in combination with the use of INCLUDE files containing nodes or elements.
Previously, hashtables nodesets and elementsets may use the same SID as the one internally generated by the INCLUDE keyblock. Consequently, it was possible to loose some user SETs.
Version DT 4.6.9 - - b06facd2
- Minor and Major stresses computed from shell elements.
This adds support to query using the MINPRINC and MAXPRINC the minor and major stresses for shells.
Version DT 4.6.8 - - e4edb406
- Support export/import of Abaqus keyword DLOAD
This adds support to export Abaqus input keyword DLOAD on pyramid elements, and the import of Abaqus input pyramid elements described as degenerated Hexa8.
- Support export/import of Nastran keyword PLOAD4
This adds support to export Nastran input keyword PLOAD4 on faces of pyramid elements.
Version DT 4.6.7 - - 70767288
- Support Abaqus keyword *SURFACE, TYPE = NODE
This adds support to differentiate nodal sets from surface nodal sets. The dataset SET.NODE.T now has a new attribute named ‘Spec’ that will be SYS_INTER_SURF when the nodal set is defined on surface nodes.
This adds support for Abaqus 2022 library
Bug fixes
- Support Abaqus keyword *TIE
This adds support to export the keyword *TIE in Abaqus
Performance improvement during the parsing of abaqus odb files has been achieved by improving the code and the usage of the abaqus data structure.
Bug fixes
CAE-708 - Fix memory corruption when reading rigid body in Abaqus ODB
Version DT 4.6.4 - - acbbf062
Bug fixes
CAE-709 - Export nodal thickness when shell thickness differs from EPROP
Version DT 4.6.3 - - 1940c2ca
Bug fixes
CAE-703 - Fix reading contact pressure datasets from Creo models.
Version DT 4.6.2 - - 0e7c7b5e
Bug fixes
Fix FEA spec types for Ansys FluentLib
Version DT 4.6.1 - - fe8d60b7
Bug fixes
CAE-642 - Fix memory corruption error for analytical surface names in Abaqus
The result dataset that was associated with the enum SYS_RES_DISP_CONTACT was suppresed. Now the same behavior is found under the enum SYS_RES_DISP with the qualifier SYS_QUA_CONTACT.
Bug fixes
CAE-521 - Add load factor attribute to result datasets for Nastran xdb.
This fixes a few instances of unhandled exceptions.
Support for Ansys 2022 R1 format.