Version CDC 3.11.0 - -
CAE-731 High memory usage in CeeGeometry
Fixed an issue where the Geometry Model pre-allocated a lot of memory which impacted the use of a lot of geometry models at the same time.
CAE-712 Isosurfaces computed from per element results does not have the correct scalar value (the iso value)
Iso surfaces now have the correct (constant iso) value if the result is per element and the same result is mapped on the the surface as the one being used to compute the surface.
CAE-756 VisualizationPartQuery: Crash when computing surface path on nodes connected to null-surface triangles
Small fix to VisualizationPartQuery to handle collapsed triangles.
CAE-754 Optimized cee::ug::UnstructGridModel::rayIntersect()
Optimized rayIntersect() by doing an early reject ray/sphere test before doing a ray/triangle test. This should give up to 3-4x performance gain and is especially useful on parts with a lot of visible element surfaces.
CAE-745 Modified the Qt Platform Integration version check
Modified some checks for the Qt Platform Integration source to work on Qt 5.14.
CAE-723 GeometryModel::regionIntersectPartItems() needs width and height > 0
Add documentation and a param assert on the width and height parameters to regionIntersectPartItems().
Version CDC 3.10.0 - - ed466b6f
Note: CDC 3.10.x requires Ceetron Data Provider Framework (CDP) 7.x
CAE-702 CDPElementGroup::addPolyhedronData() did not work as intended if called multiple times for one group
Version CDC 3.9.0 - - c3703e2b
CAE-633 MacOS library loader paths should not point to build server paths
Version CDC 3.8.1 - - d2e28e7f
CAE-551 Text without background was in some cases not anti-aliased even if there was no transparent parts
Note: CDC 3.8.x requires Ceetron Data Provider Framework (CDP) 6.x and Ceetron Result Calculator Framework (CRC) 4.x.
CAE-496 Python: Adding BulkValuesArr and other missing Array classes
Note: CDC 3.7.x requires data providers built with Ceetron Data Provider Framework (CDP) version 5.x
CAE-448 RegionIntersect does not work when the the entire region is within an element
Version CDC 3.6.0 - - 19295b98
CAE-175 setForceTickMarkLinesToCoverLegend(true) does not work when tick marks are left aligned
Version CDC 3.5.0 -
CAE-115 Isovolume issue in higher order elements and undefined midnodes