Version DT 4.6.9 - - b06facd2
CAE-737 : Minor and Major stresses computed from shell elements.
This adds support to query using the MINPRINC and MAXPRINC the minor and major stresses for shells.
When calling the method vis_StateSetDerive(state, VIS_TENSOR_MINPRINC) and vis_StateData(...)
Version DT 4.6.8 - - e4edb406
CAE-735 : Support export/import of Abaqus keyword DLOAD
Version DT 4.6.0 - - cca3c345
The result dataset that was associated with the enum SYS_RES_DISP_CONTACT was suppresed. Now the same behavior is found under the enum SYS_RES_DISP with the qualifier SYS_QUA_CONTACT.
CAE-521 - Add load factor attribute to result datasets for Nastran xdb.